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Fun & effective Microsoft Azure AZ-900 practice test tool to pass with flying colors

All-in-one platform with everything you need to ace the Microsoft Azure AZ-900 on your first attempt


Clear and Thorough Learning Path

Step 1
diagnostic test
Step 2
Step 3
full test

Proven AZ 900 3-step Practice Formula

After our 100,000+ users' success stories, we developed a 3-step strategy to provide you with the most precise and in-depth learning path while minimizing your prep time.

Microsoft Azure AZ-900 Diagnostic Test

First, take this short test and get your detailed report showing your strong and weak areas. Save your time by concentrating on what is in demand.


With quick, bite-sized learning techniques and a detailed study guide for each Microsoft Azure AZ-900 section, you can really strengthen your weaknesses (from step 1) and boost your scores.

Microsoft Azure AZ-900 Full Test

The last step for your preparation is taking our full Microsoft Azure AZ-900 practice tests and seeing how far you've come since the beginning. Repeat the 3-step formula until you are satisfied with your results!

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NOW it’s your turn!
Pass the first timePass the first time with 3-step formula

What You Get

All-in-one platform

A complete Microsoft Azure AZ-900 Prep Platform, including a diagnostic test, detailed study guides for all topics, practice questions with step-by-step explanations, and various full simulator tests.

Questions nearly identical to those in the real Microsoft Azure AZ-900 test

All questions are categorized into the specific sections as on the real Microsoft Azure AZ-900: Same format & same difficulty!

Best for the busy

Easily & quickly grasp all the knowledge with our unique learning technique. And you can learn anytime, anywhere on any devices, even with a few free minutes.

Practice while having fun

Learn and play! Complete round-by-round to reach your daily achievement and make progress on your learning journey!
Pass the first timeStart practicing NOW

Switch seamlessly between all your devices

What our users are saying

Over 50,000 aspiring American candidates use Microsoft Azure AZ-900 monthly

Azure is the Microsoft huge cloud platform with the fastest growth. Microsoft Azure Fundamentals focuses on the fundamentals of the Azure cloud, making it a good start for people who are new to the Azure world. Despite being a basic exam, passing it is not simple. Both technical and non-technical individuals can study for this test, which will certify their knowledge of Azure Cloud services and prepare them for the next Azure role-based certifications.

The Azure Fundamentals test is one of the best ways to demonstrate your understanding of cloud concepts. Azure services, Azure workloads, security and privacy in Azure, as well as Azure pricing and support, are some cloud concepts that can help you better grasp how the cloud works. Candidates taking the exam should be knowledgeable about key technical artifacts, which comprise the concepts of storage, networking, cloud computing, seamless application support, and complete application.

For individuals with prior experience using Azure services, this is an excellent chance to demonstrate their understanding of the fundamental concepts of Azure, including its numerous services, pricing, security, administration, and support. Computing, storage, networking, application services, artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), integration, and security are just a few of the features that Azure services offer.

What does the Microsoft Azure AZ-900 exam cover?

The primary focus of the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals test syllabus is on fundamental concepts of cloud-based services about Azure. Core Azure services including computing, storage, and networking are all included. The Azure support model, pricing, and security and privacy services are also covered. The percentage breakdown of the skills that must be mastered to pass the exam is as follows:

  • Cloud concepts (15-20%)
  • Core Azure services (30-35%)
  • Security, privacy, compliance, and trust (25-30%)
  • Azure pricing Service Level Agreements, and Life Cycles (20-25%)

Typically, there are 40–60 questions in the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam, many of which are multiple-choice questions. The exam lasts for an hour. You need a score of at least 70% to pass.

AZ-900 Prerequisites

Since there are no prerequisites or previous technical experience needed for this exam, it is a great place for those new to cloud solutions to start.

Regardless of your level of experience, learning the fundamentals of Microsoft Azure will help you advance your career and get ready to grasp more of the numerous technical opportunities Azure offers. We want you to succeed in this exam since we are aware of how important this is for you. No matter where you live or work, our test preparation tools are made to offer you an exact idea of what your exam will look like. We will provide you with essential information in a style and format identical to your exam, along with practice questions and explanations. You'll be in the best possible position to confidently take the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals test and further explore the Azure cloud platform.

How to Utilize our Azure AZ-900 Practice Test Free?

When you're ready to begin taking practice tests, follow these steps:

  • With your notes and real estate study guide close at hand, take the first test without a time limit. Put the strategies you have learned into practice and take your time.
  • Consider setting a timer and pacing yourself to complete the second Alabama Real Estate practice test "open book" as well.
  • Practice any other tests as if it was test day. Put your study materials away and set a timer. Imagine yourself sitting at a desk in the testing center, answering questions as quickly and accurately as possible.
  • Alabama Real Estate Practice tests are best taken regularly until you run out of them or the actual test is approaching. This will prepare your mind for the test day schedule and stress, so you can concentrate on recalling the material you've learned.

How Does Our AZ-900 Practice Test Work?

Based on the official Microsoft AZ 900 test

We have to say our AZ 900 practice test free questions are collected and updated carefully based on the annual real estate test. To be as similar as possible to the real test, we constantly improve the quality as well as quantity of our real estate practice test questions.

Detailed explanations

We also offer detailed explanations for every question, which help you understand the roots of the issues and rarely make that mistake again, so you pass the test the first time! 

So friendly to users

Our AZ-900 free practice tests are designed to be fun and easy to use which helps you feel more interested while doing tests.

Why You Should Study With Our Alabama Real Estate Practice Test Free?

These are all the benefits of using our AZ 900 practice exam:

  • Study anywhere at any time without an Internet connection.
  • Your own study plan will be set up automatically according to your test date
  • 3 features: Weak/Medium/Strong questions help you clearly determine which area you should work harder on.
  • Customize your study reminder to receive a notification at any time you want

Check out our AZ900 practice tests and start your studying right now!