Best HESI A2 Vocabulary Practice Test

Free HESI A2 Vocabulary Practice Test [2025]

This is a HESI A2 vocabulary practice test with 10 sample questions. Let's follow this article and take our practice test to pass your exam with a high score!

Updated at March 10, 2023

You must pass the HESI A2 exam if you wish to enroll in a nursing program. Math, reading, vocabulary, grammar, biology, chemistry, anatomy and physiology, and physics are among the 10 subjects that are covered in total. This test measures your general education knowledge and assesses your academic readiness for nursing schools.

The Hesi A2 vocabulary test consists of a 55-item exam with basic vocabulary that is frequently used in the healthcare sector, and you have 50 minutes to complete the examination. Despite the fact that the test isn’t particularly challenging, you still need to study well if you want to succeed.

An HESI A2 vocabulary practice test with 10 sample questions is provided below. After answering the questions, scroll down to review the explanations and answers. To learn and practice additional HESI A2 vocabulary practice questions, visit our website and mobile application. With this free HESI A2 practice test 2024, let’s practice more questions to put what you’ve learned to use. 

Hesi A2 Vocabulary Practice Test Questions

1. Which of these is the best definition of the word taciturn?

A. alert

B. attentive

C. reserved

D. uncooperative

2. Choose the best meaning for the word underlined in the following sentence: The standard procedure is to inject the chip under the skin using a larger diameter needle.

A. Gauge

B. Pain-inflicting

C. Thickness

D. Width

3. Choose the best meaning for the word underlined in the following sentence: One of the parameters of the Nurse Practice Act is that nurses are accountable for patient safety.

A. available

B. ready

C. responsible

D. vigilant

4. Choose the best meaning for the word underlined in the following sentence: Lawrence’s feistiness may be compensation for his shortened stature in the wheelchair.

A. Offsetting

B. Substituting

C. Symbiotic

D. Yielding

5. Choose the best meaning for the word underlined in the following sentence: The impending bill from the hospital cast of the mood of anxiety over her father’s healing process.

A. Coming

B. Happening soon

C. In the future

D. Possible

6. Which word most nearly means enervate?

A. debilitate

B. energize

C. fortify

D. rectify

7. Choose the best meaning for the word underlined in the following sentence: Perhaps the most well-known hematologic character is Count Dracula, whose attraction to blood is fictionally famous.

A. anemic

B. blood-related

C. medical freak

D. science fiction

8. Choose the best meaning for the word underlined in the following sentence: When the night nurse looked in on the patient in 212 at 2, his affect — sitting, rocking, moaning, with a blanket over his head revealed acute pain.

A. inappropriate actions

B. observable emotions

C. sleeplessness

D. suppression of feelings

9. Choose the best meaning for the word underlined in the following sentence: The potent smell of death permeated the alley.

A. Dizzying

B. Numbing

C. Paralyzing

D. Strong

10. Choose the best meaning for the word underlined in the following sentence: Ms. Olsen’s knee can be flexed within certain parameters.

A. Exceptions

B. events

C. limits

D. time periods

>> Take HESI A2 Reading Comprehension Practice Test here

Answers and Explanations

1. C

If someone is described as taciturn, it means they are “reluctant to speak,” so being reserved would be the best answer. Being taciturn does not imply anything regarding one’s state of attention or cooperation.

2. D

The width of a circular or cylindrical object

3. C

“Accountable” means responsible. One of the rules in the Nurse Practice Act is that nurses are responsible for the safety of their patients.

As the manager of this team, I am ultimately accountable for the team’s performance.

“Vigilant” means always aware.

The military officer remained vigilant at his post, keeping an eye out for a possible ambush.

4. A

Offsetting or making up for something.

5. A

Likely to occur soon

6. A

The word enervate means to weaken or cause someone to feel drained of energy, weak, or tired. Debilitate has the closest meaning in making someone feel weak or infirm or lacking strength or stamina. Energize and fortify are really antonyms of enervate, and rectify means “to right a wrong,” which has nothing to do with causing weakness.

7. B

Relating to blood and blood-producing organs

8. B

The appearance of observable emotions

9. D

Producing a strong effect

10. C

A characteristic or constant factor, limit 

>> Take the Anatomy and Physiology Practice Test here