cbest math study guide

Comprehensive CBEST Math Study Guide for 2025

What could be better to get a full CBEST Math study guide for excellent preparation? That’s why we’ve created this post that help you pass the CBEST Math exam.

Updated at November 16, 2022

How you study for the CBEST Math exam’s math section is crucial since passing this test is a requirement to work as a teacher in California. It might be quite beneficial to get this CBEST Math study guide. We will drive you through some key information and useful tips for your preparation. Besides, we offer thousands of free CBEST practice test questions for Math and other sections of the CBEST test on this website to help you thoroughly prepare for this exam. Let’s give it a try!

cbest math study guide

The CBEST Math Test: What Is It?

Teachers who want to get their first teaching license in California, Oregon, or Nevada must take the California Basic Educational Skills Test in Math (CBEST Math).

It accounts for one-third of the CBEST exam and has a separate registration price. The CBEST is designed to evaluate content knowledge rather than teaching skills, and the CBEST Math only evaluates your understanding of mathematics.

Three skill categories make up the CBEST Math: Computation and Problem Solving; Estimation, Measurement, and Statistical Principles; and Numerical and Graphical Relationships.

The CBEST Math just assesses your overall topic understanding prior to obtaining a teaching license; it does not substitute any other subject-specific assessments.

The CBEST Math exam is a 50-question test available only by appointment that covers the three skill categories mentioned above. You can either take the exam on paper or a computer at an authorized testing location, or you can use a private computer while adhering to rigid proctoring guidelines.

30 percent of the questions from the three skill sets are related to estimating, measurement, and statistical concepts; 35 percent are related to the calculation and problem-solving, and 35 percent are related to numerical and graphical relationships.

These numbers are a rough estimate, though. After reviewing a lesson and nondisclosure agreement for an extra 15 minutes, you will have 2 hours to finish the whole test. In the examination room, a calculator is not allowed.

Inside the CBEST Math test

Numerical and Graphic relationships

This section discusses the fundamental connections between numbers and data, such as calculating percentages between data from one year and the next. You’ll probably be required to comprehend how fractions relate to one another, locate a fraction within a group of fractions, or decide whether one is greater or less than another.

Expect to employ greater than/smaller than or equal to symbols, as well as show how formulae, percentages, and fractions with various denominators may all be equivalent. Additionally, you’ll need to know how to round figures while answering a mathematical question on the test.

Normally, you need to be able to apply fundamental Boolean logic, including connectors like an/or/if/then and suitable quantifier phrases like some/all/none.

It’s possible that you’ll be given tabular data and asked to figure out the subtotal or a missing amount. You could be asked to use the information from the spreadsheet or other visually represented data, such a bar, line, or circle graph, to answer a problem.

Computation and Problem solving

This section focuses on numerical operations, including algebra, and problem-solving when only partial knowledge is available. It often calls for the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers as well as the addition and subtraction of negative integers.

You’ll probably be required to use fractions, decimals, and percentages to carry out a variety of fundamental mathematical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Basic algebraic issues like figuring out an unknown variable are covered in this section. You’ll probably be asked to examine an issue and decide whether it can be addressed using the information at hand.

You’ll probably be required to conduct operations in the exam to address real-world issues, such as multiplying a quantity by a price to get an invoice’s total cost or adding up a list of things. Moreover, it frequently tests your ability to look at a topic from several angles by asking you to evaluate other mathematical approaches to addressing a certain problem.

cbest math study guide

Principles of Estimation, Measurement, and Statistical

Estimation and Measurement and Statistical Principles are the two subsections that make up this portion of the CBEST Math test. You must be familiar with the standard units of weight, temperature, length, and capacity used in the United States in order to pass the Estimation and Measurement course.

When solving problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division, you should be able to approximate the solutions to an equation before computing the answer. Be prepared to answer questions regarding estimating the amount of time needed to plan and complete job objectives.

Understanding the workings, guiding principles, and significance of statistical data is the focus of the section on statistical principles. On exam score statistics like averages, percentiles, proportions, and ratios, expect to do basic operations.

Generally, the test will ask you to anticipate outcomes using probability statistics and make an educated guess as to whether or not something will occur.

It also entails comparing test results to those of other students in a group, once more using percentiles or stanine scores. The questions on the CBEST Math exam are conceptually tied to the teaching professions in their use and manipulation of standardized test data, even though they do not measure potential teaching skills.

Read more >> CBEST Test Dates And Locations You Should Know

How To Pass the CBEST Math? CBEST Math Study Guide

There is no replacement for thorough preparation if you want to pass the test.

Daily study is one strategy to help you get the highest CBEST math exam result. It is necessary to make a good study schedule for oneself in order to maintain order in your studies. Do not overlook the need for a realistic curriculum. So that you eventually grow used to following this regimen, then make a commitment to yourself to do so.

Besides this, each person may have a different preferred method of studying. The CBEST test’s math part can be studied in a variety of ways. One way to be ready for the CBEST math test is to use a tutor or online resources, go to classes, or even use study guides.

Moreover, you should put an emphasis on comprehending mathematic ideas and take learning concepts seriously. Make a list of the most crucial formulae if you are one of those persons who has problems remembering them. You won’t forget these formulae if you practice them frequently, so do not be concerned.

You should aim to start getting ready for the CBEST test the day before because that day will likely be very significant to you. During the exam, you shouldn’t have any extra tools, including personal things and a calculator. Answering the questions more quickly at the beginning of the test will help you relax.

Make sure you grasp the aim of each question by thoroughly reading it. Try to use good time management during the exam. Your CBEST exam score is determined by how many accurate answers you have; wrong answers are not taken into account. Therefore, don’t ignore the question.

Last but not least, keep yourself calm and confident on test day.


Hopefully, our CBEST Math study guide will give you the best solution. If you find that our study guide needs to add something, don’t hesitate to share it with us.