cbest study guide

An Ultimate CBEST Study Guide For 2025

Making an organized study PLAN is the best way to make sure you pass the CBEST. In which, it is indispensable to use a reputable and effective CBEST study guide.

Updated at November 16, 2022

Approximately 66% of students fail the CBEST on their first attempt. Despite several tries, just 81% of exam takers succeed. Don’t fret about it! The CBEST is a comprehensive exam that includes a lot of material! You can succeed, nevertheless, if you use the true CBEST study guide!

Everything you require to pass the CBEST will be covered in this guide. We’ll talk about how challenging the examination is in comparison to other exams and give you tips on how to prepare. Besides, we offer thousands of free CBEST practice test questions on this website to help you thoroughly prepare for this exam!

cbest study guide

Inside the CBEST exam

The California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) is used by California’s Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) to assess whether candidates for teacher certification possess the necessary reading, writing, and mathematical abilities to be successful teachers.

For all certification examinations utilized by the state of California, including the CBEST, the CTC exams website includes general test information and study materials. You can gain knowledge of the test requirements and the subject areas that each of the three subtests’ questions is focused on by using the offered information.

Mathematics Subtest

The multiple-choice questions on the mathematics subtest are formatted in this way. This subtest consists of 50 questions in total. You must be able to execute computations, demonstrating that you can estimate and measure, round numbers, and recognize patterns in connections between numbers. For more details about this topic, let’s explore our CBEST math study guide now!

Reading Subtest

The reading subtest has 50 multiple-choice questions, much like the mathematics subtest. Your capacity to assess textual material and utilize it for research efficiently will be assessed.

Writing Subtest

On the writing subtest, there are just 2 constructed-response tasks. In one assignment, you must evaluate the material given and write an answer in response to a prompt. The second writing assignment asks you to describe a personal event.

You don’t need to have in-depth knowledge of teaching philosophies, techniques, or topics to pass this test because it just evaluates your ability to communicate information in a clear and logical manner.

How to Study for CBEST? CBEST Study Guide

Use reliable resource

You are prepared to start reviewing the material you will be tested on after you have a clear concept of what the CBEST includes and the sorts of topics you will be given.

An excellent strategy to ensure that you have studied all the necessary content for your examinations is to access study tools created to assist people in getting ready for the CBEST.

There are practice tests for each of the 3 subtests on the CBEST preparation resources area of the CTC examinations website. These practice exams will help you become accustomed to the questions you’ll be asked and gauge how well you know the content you’ll be examined on.

Make a study plan

In order to determine how much time to devote to each topic and how test-ready you are, you must first evaluate your study strategy. You can evaluate your weaknesses as well as your strengths with the use of practice exams.

After taking a practice exam, you can start putting together a personalized study schedule that takes into consideration both your areas of strength and where you still need the most work.

When creating your study schedule, keep in mind:

  • What days of the week are available to you? Can you study during the week? weekend days?
  • What time of day works best for you? Do you prefer the morning or the evening?
  • The ratio of well-known to new topics – Do you have a lot of reviews to do? a little bit?
  • Which method of learning do you prefer—watching videos or reading textbooks? Do you prefer to review by asking yourself questions or using flashcards?

Ensure that you put your strategy in writing and set study time in your calendar so that you don’t inadvertently plan over it.

cbest study guide

Follow your study plan

Never forget that committing to studying on a regular basis is the most crucial component of any study strategy. Don’t wait until a few days before the test to finish all your studying. As long as you follow the overall framework, it is OK to occasionally skip study sessions.

Before your study period ends, schedule at least one more practice exam to review what you’ve studied. Allow additional time so that you may review any material in which you still lack confidence.

Use effective study habits

Knowing the subjects covered in a test or signing up for a study course is insufficient. To pass the CBEST exam, you must employ efficient study techniques.

  • Set a regular test time: Ensure you have enough time to go over everything you need for the CBEST exam. Pull out your calendar and mark the time. You won’t be prepared for the test if you don’t have enough time to study the content in-depth.
  • Connect study buddies: Having people hold you accountable might help test takers maintain motivation. Making ensuring you continue to consistently study the subject you need to master before exam day can be accomplished by working with a study group or a study partner.
  • Use grammar and spelling resources: You can check your grammar and spelling with free internet tools. Word and other comparable applications have these apps as well. To find typical spelling or mechanical problems in your work, use grammar and spelling checkers. This can assist you in improving your writing abilities as you get ready for the writing subtest.


One of the major issues people run into when preparing for examinations is that they start to feel depressed or overwhelmed by their workload.

Keeping yourself motivated with positive thinking along the way! Since the best CBEST study guide will become your companion all the time!

Never lose hope before you’ve even begun to try; else, you could find that you can’t really become ready.