CompTIA A+ Study Guide

The Most Comprehensive CompTIA A+ Study Guide In 2025

What should you study in preparation for CompTIA A+ Core Series certification exams? Follow this article to find the comprehensive CompTIA A+ study guide now!

Updated at March 13, 2023

In order to prepare for any exam in the CompTIA A+ Core Series, what should you study? In this free CompTIA A+ study guide, you can find out more about the CompTIA A+ Core Series exams. To make sure you’re ready, we’ll go through all of the terms and procedures you’ll face in the tests. Afterwards, you can use our practice questions and flashcards for each part to get even more practice before the test.

To prepare for your upcoming exam, visit our websites to access hundreds of free CompTIA A+ Practice Test questions. Our materials have helped thousands of users overcome their obstacles. To download, visit our website for your IOS or Android device. Check them out now!

1001 Hardware

It’s important to understand not just the many types of computer hardware, but also how they work and what measures you may take if they break down. This study guide will go over all of the hardware types mentioned in the CompTIA A+ Core Series 1001 exam, as well as information on how to handle hardware problems. Make advantage of our practice questions and flashcards to get a sense of how to apply this information.

The CompTIA A+ Core Series’ Test 1001 has questions on five subjects, one of which is Hardware. These questions will make up around 27% of the 1001 exam, and two-thirds of them will begin with a description of a scenario you could face in real life. Following that, you’ll be prompted to select a solution. With the categorization (of scenario) below, we’ve specified which subjects this may happen in.

CompTIA A+ Study Guide 1001 Hardware

1001 Hardware and Network Troubleshooting

It’s important to understand the features and operation of equipment and networks, but you also need to know what to do if they don’t perform properly. You’ll be acting as a type of “doctor,” and you’ll need a strong strategy in place to deal with any issues that arise. Use this study guide to learn about the actions that may be taken to guarantee that everyone has a positive result.

Over a quarter (27%) of the CompTIA A+ Core Series 1001 test is devoted to questions on this subject, so you’ll need to be well-versed in the material. Furthermore, each of these questions will be linked to a scenario that is presented in the question introduction. So, based on your understanding of correct processes, hardware, and network ideas, you’ll need to decide what you’d do in that case.

1001 Hardware and Network Troubleshooting Study Guide

1001 Mobile Devices

Today’s technology usage is increasingly dominated by mobile devices. Gone are the days when you could assume that someone working on a computer was doing so on a desktop device. In most cases, a much smaller, more portable gadget is now in use, and the technology of these devices and their functionalities is continually evolving. This study guide will teach you all you need to know about answering questions about mobile devices on the CompTIA A+ Core Series Test 220-1001.

This topic is covered in the CompTIA A+ Core Series test 220-1001, and around 14% of the questions on this test are regarding mobile devices. When you consider that this test covers five major topics, there isn’t a tremendous percentage, but it’s enough of a focus that you’ll want to know the content in this study guide.

The notation (scenario) in all of our CompTIA A+ Core Series study guides indicates that questions regarding that topic will feature a description of a circumstance followed by a question asking you what you should do about it.

CompTIA A+ Study Guide 1001 Mobile Device

1001 Networking

Networks: how they’re set up, how they operate, the major and small components, and what to do if they don’t work. The Networking questions on the CompTIA A+ Core Series exam 1001 cover all of this and more. Look over the ideas in our study guide on our website to see what you need to know before the test.

Networking is one of the five core disciplines covered on the 220-1001 CompTIA A+ Core Series exam, with networking principles and procedures accounting for around 20% of the questions. If you see the sign (scenario) next to a heading below, it implies that questions concerning the material in that section will start with a circumstance or “scenario” and end with a recommendation or further information.

CompTIA A+ Study Guide 1001 Networking


1001 Virtualization and Cloud Computing

The CompTIA A+ Core Exam includes a brand-new set of questions. Some of these ideas may have been touched on in other areas of study in past test versions, but this is the first edition of the exam to devote an entire section of study to these topics. Use our study guide to organize your review, then check out our practice questions and flashcards to evaluate how well you’ve done.

The previous edition of the CompTIA A+ exam merely skimmed over these concepts as they related to other concept areas. The present exam, on the other hand, allocates a whole portion of its subject outline to virtualization and cloud computing, indicating that they have clearly grown in importance in today’s computer world. On the 1001 test, about 12% of the questions measure your knowledge and skills in these two categories. The virtualization questions will be discussed in the context of a specific “scenario.”

1001 Cloud Computing and Virtualization Study Guide

1002 Operating Systems

The previous Comptia test separated Windows from other operating systems, which is one difference between the 2016 and 2019 CompTIA A+ tests. These two systems are combined in the tested concepts outlined in the newer test version. Regardless of the system, you’ll need to be familiar with it, and our study guide will tell you all you need to know about each one.

Operating Systems receives 27% of the questions on the CompTIA A+ Core Series 1002 exam, which is equivalent to the significance of each of the curriculum areas reviewed on the CompTIA A+ Core Series 1002 test. A bit more than half of the questions start with a scenario, and those topic areas are marked with (scenario) notation below.

CompTIA A+ Study Guide 1002 Operational Systems
CompTIA A+ Study Guide 1002 Operational Systems


1002 Operational Procedures

Everything works better when you have a strategy in place that covers every situation, and technology-related activities are no exception. Learn what it takes to create and follow processes with this study guide, and what you’ll need to know for this type of question on the CompTIA A+ Core Series 1002 exam.

In general, operational procedures inform you what to do in a variety of situations, directing you to the best practices for each one. The basic concepts in this topic, which accounts for nearly one-fourth (23%) of the CompTIA A+ Core Series 1002 test, are outlined here. A scenario precedes about half of the questions in this domain, and the headers for those areas are highlighted with (scenario).

1002 Operational Procedures Study Guide

1002 Security

Security is undoubtedly the most talked-about subject in the computer world right now. It’s on everyone’s mind, and it causes more anxiety than just about any other technological aspect. Use this study guide to learn how to prepare for the CompTIA A+ Core Series 1002 test’s security-related questions.

The CompTIA A+ Core Series 1002 test, in both previous and current (2019) versions, devotes a complete part of the study plan to this topic. Because one-fourth (24%) of the questions are security-related, there’s a lot to learn and study. A scenario will most likely be the starting point for half of these questions. Check our website for a detailed scenario of Security CompTIA A+ Study Guide.

CompTIA A+ Study Guide 1002 Security

1002 Software Troubleshooting

When software functions properly, it is a tremendously important technological resource. If it doesn’t, it’ll be up to you to figure out what’s wrong and come up with a solution. Use this study guide to broaden your knowledge in this subject and review what you’ll need to know for the CompTIA A+ Core Series 1002 exam’s questions

When a software program fails to work effectively or appropriately, the user will seek help from a tech expert, which is you. You’ll need to know how to figure out what’s wrong and come up with a strategy for getting things back up and running. Because software troubleshooting is covered in around one-fourth (26%) of the questions on the CompTIA A+ Core Series 1002 exam, you’ll need to be familiar with all of the concepts included in this study guide. A scenario will be used to start any software troubleshooting questions.

CompTIA A+ Study Guide 1002 Software Troubleshooting

We really hope that our free CompTIA A+ study guide will come in handy in your preparation for the CompTIA A+ Core Series exams.