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Fun & effective Accuplacer practice test tool to pass with flying colors

All-in-one platform with everything you need to ace the Accuplacer on your first attempt


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Step 1
diagnostic test
Step 2
Step 3
full test

Proven ACCUPLACER 3-step Practice Formula

After our 100,000+ users' success stories, we developed a 3-step strategy to provide you with the most precise and in-depth learning path while minimizing your prep time.

Accuplacer Diagnostic Test

First, take this short test and get your detailed report showing your strong and weak areas. Save your time by concentrating on what is in demand.


With quick, bite-sized learning techniques and a detailed study guide for each Accuplacer section, you can really strengthen your weaknesses (from step 1) and boost your scores.

Accuplacer Full Test

The last step for your preparation is taking our full Accuplacer practice tests and seeing how far you've come since the beginning. Repeat the 3-step formula until you are satisfied with your results!

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Questions nearly identical to those in the real Accuplacer test

All questions are categorized into the specific sections as on the real Accuplacer: Same format & same difficulty!

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Before finding out why you need to take the Accuplacer sample test, you should understand the Accuplacer examination and its testing system first.

Accuplacer Exam

With the aim to assist with the appropriate placement of incoming students, The College Board’s ACCUPLACER test is a standardized placement test used by over a thousand U.S high schools and colleges. All Accuplacer tests are designed to assess reading, writing, and math skills on a computer-based platform. 

Accuplacer Format

All of the questions on the exam are multiple-choice, with the exception of an essay portion. 

Accuplacer Test Time Limit

The test is untimed, although it takes most students approximately 90-120 minutes to complete. It is a computer-adaptive exam, meaning that the difficulty of the questions is determined by the test-takers previous responses. This also means that the number of questions in each section will vary.

Here are some preliminary estimations to give you a sense of how much time you will be spending at the testing center, while you can and should take as much time as you need, and certain sections will move faster for you than others:

  • Reading: 45 - 60 minutes.
  • Writing: 45 - 60 minutes
  • Math: 45 - 60 minutes
  • Algebra, statistics, and quantitative reasoning: 60 - 90 minutes
  • Advanced Algebra and Functions: 60–90 minutes

Keep in mind that these are only approximations to aid with day planning. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the fact that your actual time may be significantly lower or significantly greater. The most crucial thing is to concentrate on collecting as many accurate answers as you can given that time is not a problem.

Make it a habit to time yourself during any Accuplacer practice tests you take to get ready for the exam if you want a more precise idea of how long the test will take for you. Try to simulate the testing set as closely as you can during practice tests to increase the accuracy of this time.

Accuplacer Exam Questions

The number of questions: 90 questions total on the test. 

Candidates will first meet the Arithmetic section, which will include 17 questions. This is followed by College-Level Math, which includes 20 questions. The math portion concludes with Elementary Algebra, which includes 12 questions.

Candidates can start with Reading Comprehension on the language and reading side, which includes 20 questions. This is followed by Sentence Skills, which includes 20 questions. 

Lastly, the ACCUPLACER test concludes with the written essay, which forms the final ‘question’ of the test.

Classic Accuplacer Test

77 is the passing score for Arithmetic.

76 is the passing score for Algebra.

250 is the passing score for English Basic Skills (EBS) in a total of three English tests. Multiply the Essay score by 15 and then add the three scores together.

Essay Score times 15 + Reading Comprehension + Sentence Skills = Total. 102 is the highest score on any of the multiple-choice tests.

On the essay, the highest score is 8. 

Next-Generation Accuplacer Test

264 is the passing score for Arithmetic.

264 is the passing score for Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics.

The passing scores for English Basic Skills (EBS) are 6 or higher on the essay AND 243-300 on Reading.

The highest score on any of the multiple-choice tests is 300. The highest score on the essay is 8.

How much does the Accuplacer test cost?

Students can take the test for nothing from their institution or university (or high school if you are taking it earlier). However, some universities will charge a fee for each subsequent exam try if you decide to retake it.

You don't necessarily need to retake the exam, though, unless you didn't achieve the minimum scores required by your institution or you believe your performance was below par. If you believe you could have performed far better, be sure to allow yourself enough time before your subsequent attempt to review the content you struggled with on your first try.

What is included in the Accuplacer test?

The ACCUPLACER exam is divided into five different subject areas: Reading; Writing; Arithmetic; Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics; and Advanced Algebra and Functions. 

There are also four ACCUPLACER ESL (English as a Second Language) exams: Language Use, Listening, Reading, and Sentence Skills. ACCUPLACER ESL tests assess English language learners' command of the English language.

What questions are on the Accuplacer Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics tests?


The test is the evaluation of a candidate’s performance on fundamental arithmetic operations as well as their ability to deal with issues including basic fundamental arithmetic concepts. Questions on this test are classified into three basic arithmetic skills:

  • Operations with Whole Numbers and Functions
  • Operations with Decimals and Percentages
  • Applications and Problem Solving


This test involves college-level mathematics concepts. Questions on this test are classified into five specific college-level skills:

  • Algebraic Operations
  • Solutions of Equations and Equalities
  • Coordinate Geometry
  • Applications and other Algebra Topics
  • Functions and Trigonometry


The test involves elementary algebraic concepts. Questions on this test are classified into three elementary algebraic skills:

  • Operations with Integers and Rational Numbers
  • Operations with Algebraic Expressions
  • Solution of Equations, Inequalities, and Word Problems

What is on the ACCUPLACER ESL (English as a Second Language) exams?


The test is the evaluation of the candidate’s reading skills:

  • Understanding what is read
  • Identifying main ideas
  • Making inferences
  • Distinguishing between direct statements and secondary (supporting) ideas


The test is the evaluation of a candidate’s understanding of proper sentence structure in regards to:

  • Elements of a complete and clear sentence
  • Logic (or lack of logic) of a single sentence
  • Relationships between multiple sentences


The ACCUPLACER Writeplacer test is the evaluation of a candidate’s writing skills, which are a significant indicator of academic success. Test takers are asked to formulate, organize, and support an opinion or idea based on a given writing prompt, and are evaluated based on the following five characteristics of their response: 

  • Focus
  • Organization
  • Development and Support
  • Sentence Structure
  • Mechanical Conventions

A set of 25 questions from the ACCUPLACER writing subtest, broken down into two main knowledge and skill categories and their corresponding subcategories, will assess your capacity to review and edit multi-paragraph prose.

Expression of Thoughts (14-16 questions)


  • Focus
  • Argument
  • Support

Effective Language Use

  • Clarity
  • Precision
  • Syntax
  • Tone and style

Conventions for Standard English (9-11 questions)

Punctuation etiquette

  • Punctuation in sentence ends
  • Rules for hyphenation
  • Products in a series
  • Parenthetical and illustrative elements
  • Nouns and pronouns in the possessive
  • Excessive punctuation
  • Punctuation used within sentences

Standards of etiquette

  • Traditional language
  • Words that get mixed up a lot
  • Comparative analysis
  • Noun congruence
  • Determiners of possession
  • Pronoun-antecedent agreement
  • Clarity of the noun
  • Subject-verb congruence

Sentence Format

  • Inappropriate changes to the pronouns "you" and "your"
  • Unsuitable changes in verb tenses
  • Inappropriate changes in the verb's voice
  • Unsuitable changes in verb voice and mood
  • Placement of modifiers
  • Parallel organization
  • Lines between sentences
  • Coordinating and delegating


ESL Language Use

The ESL Language Use measures how well you can use correct grammar in English sentences. It contains 20 questions of two different types. The first type requires you to select the correct form of a word, or words, to use in the blank space in a sentence. The second type asks you to select the correct form of a complete sentence, involving revising the order of the words.

ESL Listening

In this test, you ought to listen to people speaking in a variety of settings. After that, you will be asked to answer questions about what you heard. It contains 20 questions and all of the conversations are in English. The ACCUPLACER ESL Listening Test is not timed.

ESL Reading Skills

This part evaluates your ability to read and understand a short passage and answer various types of questions about it. It contains 20 questions in this section and the answers range from things stated right in the passage, to things that may just be assumed, depending on what the author said. You may deal with such concepts as the main idea, fact, and opinion, vocabulary in a phrase, and applying the author’s opinion.

ESL Sentence Meaning

The section will test your ability to read and understand sentences that are written in English. It contains 20 questions in this section of two different types. The first type of question asks you to select one of four words, or groups of words, to fill in the blank for the sentence to make sense. The other type requires you to answer a question with the information you read in one or two sentences.

Understand Accuplacer exam scores based on Skills Insights

The range of scores for the ACCUPLACER Reading, Writing, Quantitative Reasoning and Statistics, and Advanced Algebra and Functions examinations is 200–300. Review the Skills InsightTM statement for each test to better understand what your result represents. The scores are divided into five score bands according to the Skills Insight statements:

  • 200–236
  • 237–249
  • 250–262
  • 263–275
  • 276–300

The Skills Insight statement for each exam explains what a student who scores within that band is likely to know and be able to do.

Is the Accuplacer exam multiple choice?

Except for WritePlacer® which is an essay test, all ACCUPLACER exams have a multiple-choice format.

How do you pass the Accuplacer tests?

Take Accuplacer Practice Tests

There is no doubt that one of the best ways to make sure that you are prepared for the ACCUPLACER is by taking plenty of practice tests beforehand. These practice tests can be useful for you to identify areas where you may want to devote extra time for studying, and they can be helpful for you to familiarize yourself with the types of questions you will see and the format of the test itself. 

Use Alternative Study Methods if necessary 

Some students state that they can better retain information by incorporating alternative study methods instead of taking the practice tests. Flashcards are the method especially useful for the multiple-choice sections of the test and study guides for the Accuplacer are great for making sure you study the entirety of the covered topics. These materials, when integrated with practice tests, can be more effective for you to develop a comprehensive study plan.

Simulate the Testing Experience

Simulating the testing experience by completing a good number of questions from each section of the test that you are required to take is also a good idea. Because this test is not timed, simulating the testing experience can give you a better idea of tour performance when taking back-to-back in each section.

Take Your Time

The ACCUPLACER exam is not timed so it’s a better idea to take your time to carefully answer each question than it is to skim through the question and guess. Time is on your side with this exam, so use your time wisely.

Eliminate Answers

If you do not know the answer to a question even after reading it through several times, it’s a good idea to take some time to read through the answers and attempt to remove the ones you know are wrong. This will be helpful for you to narrow down your final choice and increase the odds that it is correct.

Practice the Right Way

Your success depends not only on how many hours you put into preparing but also on whether you prepared the right way. It’s good to review the study method to see whether your studying is paying off. Taking Accuplacer practice tests to evaluate your progress is one of the most effective ways to do this. Practice tests are useful because they show exactly where you need to improve.

Accuplacer Test Preparation

Accuplacer test-takers are recommended to take the practice exams before taking the real exam. The sample tests are like virtual tutors!

How to take the Accuplacer Practice Test?

Without any time restrictions, and with your notes and ACCUPLACER study guides close at hand, take the first sample test. Spend some time using the techniques you've learned.
Set a timer and try pacing yourself to finish the second practice test in time while still taking it "open book." Then, take all additional practice exams as though they were real exams. Put your study materials and resources away and set a time. This helps you be best prepared for the real Accuplacer test.

What to bring to the Accuplacer test day?

On test day, you will need to bring a valid form of identification with you. A school-issued ID is accepted if you are taking the exam at your school. In other cases, you should make sure that you have a government-issued form of identification. Before the day of the exam, you may check with your testing center to determine what their requirements are.

What not to bring?

The ACCUPLACER is a computerized test so you do not need to bring anything with you on the test day. In some sections of the test you can use a calculator or scratch paper, these applications are available in the computer program itself, removing the need for students to bring anything.

Amy's electronic devices or personal items are prohibited from being in the testing room. There may or may not be storage areas for personal items, but for sure, you may check with your testing center.

Studying with our Accuplacer practice exam

Our Accuplacer sample tests cover all the topics and the questions are identical to the real Accuplacer examination. If your answers are incorrect, you'll receive a fully detailed explanation. Besides, you also can set up your own study plan. 

Our website provides you with a beautiful interface and a smooth learning experience which helps you to score higher on your real Acccuplacer exam. We also have a mobile application for you to download and study both online and offline. Hope you enjoy it!

How to study with Accuplacer practice tests the right way?

A section detailing the response options can be found on many ACCUPLACER practice exams. It can be alluring to read the explanation and assume that you now fully get the idea. An explanation, however, most often just addresses a portion of the question's larger context. Even if the explanation sounds clear, go back and thoroughly research each idea connected to the question until you are confident that you have a firm grasp of it.

Remember that the ACCUPLACER practice test is just that—practice—as you proceed. It is doubtful that any of the exact questions from this test will appear on the real one, therefore memorization of these questions and answers won't be particularly useful. You won't be ready for the real exam if all you know are the correct answers to the practice questions. You will be able to respond to any question on the test if you thoroughly comprehend the topics by studying them.

It's crucial to wait until you're prepared before taking the practice exams. The quantity of content presented and how much you need to understand may be overwhelming if you take a test on your first day of studying. Prepare yourself gradually.

You must be ready to use the time management techniques you've studied, answer questions using the ACCUPLACER, and take the test. It's a lot to juggle, comparable to a mental marathon that will significantly affect your future. But like when preparing for a marathon, begin cautiously and build up. You'll be ready the day of the test.

Taking the Accuplacer exam during COVID-19 

Different universities will have different regulations regarding the application as well as the testing location. Stay up-to-date with their information!

Accuplacer Test FAQs - frequently asked questions

How do I study for the Accuplacer test?

The website of Accuplacer is a web-based study application. Students can take practice tests in each subject that the exam will cover. Candidates will find that there are several advantages to using the web app to practice. The first advantage is the test provides a “learn as you go” format. It explains the answers as you progress from question to question. This is especially important for those who’ve made an incorrect response – or for those who’ve picked the correct answer by mistake.

One difficulty that people have with taking similar sample tests for other types of exams is that the sample tests are rarely similar to the actual tests. Instead, they’re only vaguely similar. The sample tests students find through the web app, however, have a high degree of overlap with the actual tests that students encounter once they start their exams. These tests can be stopped and started at any time, so learners don’t have to worry about losing their progress. Finally, the app keeps track of testing scores. This helps learners identify whether they’re improving their scores over time.

One thing to keep in mind on the test is that it is a whole multiple choice and it is impossible to skip a question. You have to make every answer count. One way to do this is to study how to arrive at answers through the process of removal. Simply put, most candidates will find it impossible to have mastery over every topic they meet. But it doesn’t mean it’s impossible to make a guess that has a chance of being correct. Rather than randomly guess from the selection before them, the candidate should take a while to remove the answers that are blatantly incorrect.

For example, there are four choices. A random one would have a 25% chance of being correct. Removing one answer and you’re left with three choices or a 33% chance of guessing the right one. Remove the third answer and you’re left with two choices and a 50% chance of guessing the correct answer. Learning how to remove answers that are wrong can help narrow down the options for a question and make a far more exact guess. Candidates should get into the habit of using a process of elimination to narrow down their selection even when they’re taking the practice test. The only part that candidates won’t use in this process is their essay. But as mentioned previously, learning the five-paragraph structure to write an essay can help students create a framework by which they can more easily write an effective argument.

What is the passing score for the Accuplacer test?

Having said that, we recommend that you aim to score at 200-300.

The four ACCUPLACER ESL tests use different score ranges. The Language Use, Listening, Reading, and Sentence Skills ESL tests each have a score range from 20–120, with 120 being the highest possible score. The College Board does not provide score bands or Skills Insight statements for these exams.

Can you fail the Accuplacer test?

Notice that: there is no one passes or fails ACCUPLACER tests, but it's necessary to finish the test using your best effort, so you can get an accurate measure of your academic skills.

Can I fail a college placement test?

No, a placement test cannot be failed. However, a placement test will decide which classes you should start in when you enroll in college.

How long does the ACCUPLACER exam take?

The ACCUPLACER exam is not timed. As a result, you can work at a pace that is convenient for you.

Is the Accuplacer test free?

In general, the fee ranges up to $50. It varies based on your institution, you should check with your school to determine exactly what fees you will be charged for taking the exam.

Can I use a calculator on the Accuplacer test?

On the ACCUPLACER, you are permitted to use a calculator. You cannot, however, bring your own personal calculator. You will have access to a calculator on the screen.

Can I take the Accuplacer test online?

If you want to have good preparation, Passemall offers an online ACCUPLACER Test. The course is designed to provide you with whatever you want while studying.

What Is the Highest Score Can I Get on the ACCUPLACER?

The essay portion of the ACCUPLACER exam is graded on a scale of 0 to 8, while each multiple-choice question is graded on a scale of 20 to 120. An adaptive test methodology is used to calculate your score. This implies that the difficulty of the question you see after answering a question is determined by your response.

The next question will be more difficult if you respond correctly. The subsequent question will be simpler if you give a wrong response. Whether or not you successfully answered the questions, the score you receive is based on the average difficulty of the questions. However, the harder your questions get and the higher your average difficulty (your score) will be the more accurate answers you give.

Even though this is not a pass/fail exam, certain universities do have a cut-off score, therefore it is still crucial to perform well on the test because, as was previously indicated, the better you do, the fewer introductory classes you'll need to take.