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Fun & effective CompTIA Net+ practice test tool to pass with flying colors

All-in-one platform with everything you need to ace the CompTIA Net+ on your first attempt


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Step 1
diagnostic test
Step 2
Step 3
full test

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CompTIA Net+ Diagnostic Test

First, take this short test and get your detailed report showing your strong and weak areas. Save your time by concentrating on what is in demand.


With quick, bite-sized learning techniques and a detailed study guide for each CompTIA Net+ section, you can really strengthen your weaknesses (from step 1) and boost your scores.

CompTIA Net+ Full Test

The last step for your preparation is taking our full CompTIA Net+ practice tests and seeing how far you've come since the beginning. Repeat the 3-step formula until you are satisfied with your results!

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Questions nearly identical to those in the real CompTIA Net+ test

All questions are categorized into the specific sections as on the real CompTIA Net+: Same format & same difficulty!

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Free CompTIA Network+ Practice Test 2024

Do you want to take the CompTIA Network+ Exam? Do you need to know what it includes, how long it lasts, and what you need to bring? Do you know the proper technique for studying with the CompTIA Network+ practice test? This post will give you all the knowledge and resources you require for studying for and passing the test, whether you are already employed in IT or are just looking to break into the field.

What is the CompTIA Net+ certification?

     The CompTIA Net+ certification is a certification granted by CompTIA that certifies an IT professional's skills in the field of networking and similar or connected fields. Getting a CompTIA Net+ certification is highly recommended, especially for those who are planning on applying for networking jobs.

Big companies like Apple, Verizon, and a few more are more than willing to hire IT experts, who have this certification. This is because the exam tests the examinee's mastery and skills regarding a wide variety of networking concepts and IT-related concepts. Moreover, the certification exam includes both wireless and wired networks, something that only CompTIA Net+ currently offers in the certification industry today. Having this certification is already a measure of the IT professional's versatility and ability.

If you are going to take the Net+ exam, practice with our free CompTIA Network+ practice tests to get well-prepared for your big day!

CompTIA Network+ N10-008 Test Information

Below are questions an examiner might ask when applying for the CompTIA Net+ exam:

How many questions are on the CompTIA Network+ exam?

There are a title of ninety (90) questions in the exam. Each item to be answered is either multiple-choice, drag-and-drop type questions or, performance-based questions. After the exam, there will also be a twelve (12) item multiple-choice survey that is optional and not counted towards your final score.

How Long Is the CompTIA Network+ Exam?

The CompTIA Net+ N10-008 exam allocates a total of ninety (90) minutes to answer the exam. Note that there will be no timer present on the screen so it's important to practice time management.

How much does CompTIA Network+ cost?

The costs for taking the CompTIA Net+ vary depending on the examinee's choice or situation. To take the exam, the examinees are required to buy a Network+ voucher which costs $338 and which will have to be purchased every retake.

The exam can also be taken for free if the examinee fits the following: experiencing unemployment or are underemployed, ethnic or minority group member, a military veteran, member of an IT program funded by the state, or a scholar of a nonprofit or charity organization. For the last two, the state or the organization providing the scholarship will pay for their exams.

Although a CompTIA A+ certification is not required to take this exam, it is strongly advised. The A+ certification is so strongly advised because test takers who pass it will have the fundamental knowledge needed to start working on their CompTIA Network+ certification.

CompTIA Net+ N10-008 Objectives

The CompTIA Net+ N10-008 exam aims to assess the examinee's knowledge and skills of the various networking designs, concepts, and functions, management and operations of different kinds of network devices, troubleshooting problems in networking and security, and a lot more. The exam is divided into five domains on which the topics will be based.

There will never be more than 90 questions on the CompTIA Network+ test, though the actual number can vary from test to test. You have 90 minutes to complete all of the questions. Additionally, you will be required to take an optional survey on your studies after you finish the main exam. This typically consists of 12 questions and is irrelevant to exam outcomes. There are two main categories of questions in the CompTIA Network+ exam: multiple-choice questions and performance-based questions. All of these are made to evaluate your capacity for IT jobs and troubleshooting.

1st Domain: Networking Concepts

This first domain aims to assess the examinee's understanding of the various networking concepts and assess their skills in using them in given scenarios. Specifically, the examinees will be tested in their knowledge and skills about the concepts of the thing below:

  • Thorough knowledge regarding the uses of the different protocols and ports as well as the different OSI layers.
  • Show understanding of routing and switching as well as IP addresses and the intricacies behind them.
  • Know the differences in the different networking topologies, the characteristics of wired and wireless devices, as well as the various networking and internet-related technologies
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the cloud services and their features as well as the different functions of networking services.

2nd Domain: Infrastructure

In this domain, the examinee must be able to show competence in managing the various networking devices, cabling, as well as virtualization.

  • Must be able to work on cables and different cabling solutions given a hypothetical scenario.
  • Show knowledge regarding the different networking devices including their purposes or uses and must be able to install or work on them.
  • Show a thorough understanding of the various uses of network and virtual networking components.

3rd Domain: Network Operations

This domain tests the examinee's knowledge in handling networking operations and ensuring the continuance of these operations.

  • Show skills in managing network operations through the use of diagrams.
  • Demonstrate skills in handling problems at networking devices to ensure the continuity of business as well as recovery from damages caused by the problems like using remote access through VPN.

4th Domain: Network Security

In the fourth domain, the examinee must show knowledge of the different network security concerns as well as skills in handling them.

  • Show and demonstrate understanding of the various physical and non-physical security devices and authorization.
  • Explain concepts of networking attacks and how to reinforce the network to deal with them.

5th Domain: Network Troubleshooting and Tools

This domain tests the examinee's knowledge regarding methodology in network troubleshooting and as well as the tools used.

  • Demonstrate mastery of knowledge in the methodology used to troubleshoot networking problems and the different tools used for troubleshooting.
  • Must be able to troubleshoot issues in the performance of wireless connections and networks.

CompTIA Network+ Practice Tips

You must develop a thorough study strategy because, as was already indicated, this is a challenging test. The bare minimum of networking skills won't cut it. By putting these suggestions into practice, you must improve that knowledge.


The CompTIA Network+ exam's severe time constraints are one of the major obstacles. Each question will have a one-minute time limit, which most people find difficult. In order to succeed on this test, you must first understand how to effectively manage your time.


Determine the key terms in each inquiry. Additionally, pay particular attention to any words that are capitalized or bolded. To go on to the solution, it's important to immediately determine the question's main idea. You can use keywords to find answers when you are unable to provide particular answers.


Bring out your inner Sherlock Holmes and use logic to guide you through some challenging problems. This is especially helpful when there are several choices. These are the test questions you should spend the least amount of time on due to time restrictions.


Exam preparation is a journey, and like all trips, you can learn things as you go. While teaching you about one thing, some inquiries may inquire about another. The majority of individuals take this testing mindset for granted.

This is another justification for avoiding questions you don't understand. You might have the solution by the time you return to them from another question.

  • Take a COMPTIA Network+ practice test

Always start out by taking a practice test for the CompTIA Network+ exam before organizing your study time. This provides you with a baseline for comparing your present knowledge to the test's requirements.

You will then be aware of the precise areas where you should concentrate your research.
Examine all of the questions you answered incorrectly after taking a CompTIA Network+ practice test. Pay close attention to those regions.


You can create a study plan by taking the practice test as a starting point. You need the means to determine how much your existing knowledge falls short of what the test will be looking for.

The majority of people's academic shortcomings, however, are the largest problem. You cannot afford to allow that to occur because the CompTIA Network+ test is significantly more tough than the norm. Building on your strengths and attempting to correct certain deficiencies are the two main objectives of a study plan.

CompTIA Network+ Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I take the sample CompTIA Network+ practice test?

You can practice with questions on Network+ books or online resources. Our website provides you with 1000+ Network+ practice questions to help you know what to expect on your test day. Furthermore, all the questions were gamified to let you experience your learning just like playing a game. Pass round by round until finish all of them.

What do I bring to my CompTIA exam?

When going to the site of the examination, the examinees are required to bring two forms of valid identification cards with names that match what they used for the online registration. The first identification card should be a government ID issued by the country where the exam will be taken and has a recognizable photo of the examinee, their name, and a signature. The second ID must have at least a recent and recognizable photo of the examinee with their name, or with their name and signature. Minors should bring an adult with them who hahas a valid government identification card.

Note: If identification cards issued by the country where the exam is to be held are unavailable, international travel passports can be used as substitutes.

What should you not bring when taking the exam?

   Do not bring any expired identification cards to the test unless they are accompanied by proof that they are renewed or to be renewed. All items unnecessary for taking the exams like phoned and other personal belongings will also be confiscated and be temporarily placed in a chosen location while the exam is taking place.

What is CompTIA network+ passing score?

    On a scale of 100-900, a score of 720 is required to pass the exam. The topics of the items with incorrect answers will be stated in the results, regardless of whether the examinee had passed or failed the exam.  Practice makes perfect. Practice as much as possible with the CompTIA Network+ practice test to improve your score achievement.

What jobs can I get with CompTIA Network+ certification?

IT professionals with CompTIA Net+ N10-008 certifications can work in many fields of IT and Networking. Having a certificate in Net+ reflects your wide range and knowledge and abilities which qualifies you to take on jobs like:

  • Networking jobs like Network Administrator and Junior Network Administrator, Network Technician, and other networking jobs.
  • Data Analyst
  • System Engineer, and IT support specialist, and other IT-related jobs.
  • Cybersecurity specialists and Help Desk Technicians.

How Much Can I Make with a CompTIA Network+ Certification?

The salary depends on the kind of job and the company where an IT professional is working. In the US, these are the average yearly salary of a few Networking jobs back in 2020:

  • Network and Computer Systems Administrators-$84,810
  • Information Security Analysts-$103,590
  • Computer Network Architects-$116,780
  • What requirements must be met before I can take the Net+ test?

     There are no requirements for taking the exam but having initial experience or certifications is recommended.

How many times can I take the Net+ exam?

   Examinees who fail the exam can take it again immediately after failing the first. However, the examinee will have to wait for at least 14 days before making the third attempt. Examinees with certifications can take the exam again but they will need permission from CompTIA to be able to use their previous exam codes. Beta exams, on the other hand, can only be taken once.

Note: Since the examinee had to buy a new voucher each time they take the exam, this means that each retake requires the examinee to pay once again.

When can I receive my Net+ test score?

Scores can be seen as soon as the entire exam is finished. An email of congratulations will also be sent to the examinee once they pass along with steps on how to check their results.


There are two testing options: online testing and testing in person. You have the choice to take the test in a peaceful, distraction-free environment when you test online.

You must go to a testing site if you choose to take the test in person. The decision is up to you because both are viable possibilities.


The basic answer is good study habits. Although the CompTIA Network+ is scary for new candidates, passing it is not too tough if you are prepared.

You should have at least 18 months of networking technology experience, at the very least.

CompTIA Network+ Practice Test Study Guide

There is a section on many CompTIA Network+ practice tests that outlines the possible answers. It can be alluring to read the explanation and assume that you now fully comprehend it. The majority of the time, an explanation, however, only briefly discusses the larger background of the inquiry. Even if the explanation appears clear-cut, go over it once again, and then carefully consider each concept associated with the subject until you are confident that you understand it.

The CompTIA Network+ practice test is exactly that—practice, so bear that in mind as you continue. It is doubtful that any of the exact questions from this test will appear on the actual one, therefore memorization of the questions and answers won't be particularly helpful.

You won't be ready for the actual CompTIA Network+ exam if all you know are the correct answers to the practice questions. You will be able to answer any question on the test if you thoroughly comprehend the subjects by studying them.

It's crucial to wait until you're prepared before taking the CompTIA Network+ practice exam. The amount of information provided and what you must comprehend could be overwhelming if you take a test on the first day of studying. You should gradually prepare.

Free CompTIA Network+ Practice Test on Passemall

The Network+ question bank on this website is organized to closely follow the actual CompTIA objectives for exam N10-008. As such, it is easy to find the information required for each of the specified CompTIA Network+ objectives. The objective focus design used on Passemall is an important feature because the information you need to know is easily identifiable and accessible. There is a lot to know and our free practice tests for the Network+ Exam will help you find out where you need to work more and make the most of your study time.

Our CompTIA Network+ practice website has outstanding features:

  •  Free Network+ question bank: 400+ FREE CompTIA Network+ practice questions with detailed explanations are available for all of the required skills. All you need to pass your recruitment test is available here.
  •  Network+ Practice Tests Based On Real Tests: The same number of questions, same time limits, same structure. The exam simulators let you familiarize yourself with the test format and get 100% ready for the real one.
  •  Download PDF Feature: Download and print all practice questions and practice tests if you want to take the Network+practice test with your pen and paper.
  •  No Sign-Up Or Login Required: All of your progress is saved without an account, even if you close your browser. But login can sync your data between web and mobile applications.
  •  Gamification: The learning process will be divided into small milestones. Let’s make your studying exciting as if you were in some interesting games.
  •  Personal Study Plan: Just enter your test date, and a study plan will be set up for you. A clear schedule with quality Network+ mock tests will surely exceed your expectation and get you the best preparation for the shot.
  •  3 Interesting Test Modes: 3 different test modes with increased difficulty levels let you experience the test in various ways.
  •  Dark Mode: Experience a dark theme that is more friendly to your eyes, and get a whole new and marvelous experience.
  •  No Internet Required: Study on the go conveniently without any Internet connection.
  •  Network+ question Bank: 3 features: Weak/ Medium / Strong. Our Network+ sample questions help you determine which area you should pay more attention to.