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Fun & effective HESI A2 practice test tool to pass with flying colors

All-in-one platform with everything you need to ace the HESI A2 on your first attempt


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Step 1
diagnostic test
Step 2
Step 3
full test

Proven HESI 3-step Practice Formula

After our 100,000+ users' success stories, we developed a 3-step strategy to provide you with the most precise and in-depth learning path while minimizing your prep time.

HESI A2 Diagnostic Test

First, take this short test and get your detailed report showing your strong and weak areas. Save your time by concentrating on what is in demand.


With quick, bite-sized learning techniques and a detailed study guide for each HESI A2 section, you can really strengthen your weaknesses (from step 1) and boost your scores.

HESI A2 Full Test

The last step for your preparation is taking our full HESI A2 practice tests and seeing how far you've come since the beginning. Repeat the 3-step formula until you are satisfied with your results!

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Free HESI A2 Practice Test 2022

Suppose you are an aspiring nurse or any health-related professional. In that case, chances are, you will encounter the HESI examination multiple times, depending on which nursing school or university you will be attending. It might turn into an essential milestone in your future career if you take it seriously; as such, read further below to learn more about the HESI test. Take our free HESI A2 practice test (2022 updated) to get good preparation for your coming exam!

What is the HESI exam?

HESI stands for Health Education Systems Incorporated, the developer of a computerized exam dedicated to prospect nurses and other aspiring allied health professionals, known as the HESI examination. The HESI test, presently known as the HESI Evolve Reach exam, is a proficiency-based test that is an instrument to measure the potential success of a nursing student in the field.

How many questions are on the HESI A2?

The HESI exam is run by nursing schools as a function of a university or college nursing program. Each area of the HESI A2 test contains 25-50 questions. Typically, individuals will have 4 hours to complete the exam if they are testing at a Prometric test site. Our free HESI Practice Test poses questions about 8 “knowledge domains” with the specific number of questions as listed below:
  • Anatomy and Physiology (25 questions)
  • Biology (25 questions)
  • Chemistry (25 questions)
  • Grammar (50 questions)
  • Mathematics (50 questions)
  • Physics (25 questions)
  • Reading Comprehension (47 questions)
  • Vocabulary (50 questions)

HESI A2 Passing Score

There are no exact passing scores for the HESI examination as this will depend entirely on your institution's standard. On average, scoring about 75%-above is acceptable to most schools. However, some universities can accept 70% as the passing score.

The passing score for the exit exam is not that different. However, it is best to aim for a 90% score as that would mean that you are now ready for the NCLEX.

How long is the HESI A2 test?

On average, students are given about 4 hours to finish the test. While most students can complete the exam in just 2-3 hours, some institutes will give up to 5 hours to allow the student to have more time.

HESI A2 Examination Fee

How much does it cost to take the HESI A2 exam? The HESI examination fee depends on the institution managing the examination and test options:

  • Online through ProctorU ($44)
  • In-person at a Prometric testing center ($120)

To register for the HESI A2 exam, visit the Evolve home page and fulfill the required information.

Sections of the HESI examination

According to Elsevier's guidelines, there are nine sections in the HESI examination which are further divided into four categories; language proficiency, math, science, and Learner profile. Each unit has a set number of questions and recommended amount of time to finish. The HESI A2 exam consists of 10 sections in total, and your school of choice will choose which sections you must take. As few as four sections may be identified and required by some institutions, while all sections may be required by others.

Language proficiency

  • Reading Comprehension: This section contains 47 questions that deliver passages relating to the medical field for measuring of reading comprehension, recognizing the thesis point, uncovering the connotation of messages in the text, understanding medical-based selections, making rational hypotheses, and more. Recommended time: 1 hour. Most professions demand a strong foundation in reading and writing. The key to your success in nursing is having reading comprehension abilities that are above average. Patients' lives could be in jeopardy if they are unable to quickly read and comprehend everything printed on a chart. In order to conduct themselves professionally, nurses must be proficient readers.
  • Grammar: For all nurses, grammar is highly crucial. A careless word can have a profound impact when a patient's life is at stake. Understanding grammar is a crucial component of effective communication in any profession, but it is crucial for nurses who represent patients' interests. When you study, be sure to go over frequent grammar mistakes and parts of speech. This section includes 50 sets of questions to assess the basic grammar competency of the examinee. Recommended time: 50 minutes.
  • Vocabulary and General knowledge: This section has 50 items that gauge the depth of the medical-based language of the examinees. Recommended time: 50 minutes. Greater linguistic diversity increases the likelihood that nurses will communicate effectively compared to those who lack it. Nurses need to be able to communicate clearly in the operating room or on the floor, and having a wide vocabulary is essential to being able to accomplish so.


  • Basic Math Skills: This section comprises 50 scored items relating to the usage of mathematics in the medical field encompassing basic arithmetic, fractions, ratios, decimals, and proportions. In almost every aspect of their professions, nurses and nursing students will use mathematics for a variety of computations. Nurses will use math to perform dimensional analysis, read and analyze patient charts, convert drugs and weights, and perform daily tasks in a variety of medical specialties, from urology to gastroenterology. This section also deals with the conversion of units and, most importantly, dosage calculation. Recommended Time: 50 minutes.


  • Biology: This section covers 25 questions relating to basic biologies, such as; photosynthesis, cell respiration, metabolism, and biological molecules. Even while you might not apply your understanding of biology on a daily basis, it is a necessary foundation for other disciplines like anatomy, physiology, and microbiology. Recommended time: 25 minutes.
  • Chemistry: This section deals with 25 points about Matter, chemical equations and reactions, the periodic table, the atomic structure, chemical bonding, nuclear chemistry, etc. Chemistry is more applicable to nursing than you might imagine, despite the fact that it may not seem like it. A nurse needs to be aware of the activities and side effects of the drug she is administering, as well as any possible interactions with meals or other prescriptions. Understanding how specific medications interact, which directly impacts patient outcomes, requires a strong background in chemistry. You'll need to have knowledge of not only basic chemistry but possibly also organic or physical chemistry if you want to advance your career into more specialized disciplines. Recommended Time: 25 minutes
  • Body Parts and Their Function: this section includes 25 items of general nomenclature of anatomical structures and systems. Recommended time: 25 minutes. Perhaps the most fundamental subjects for a nurse to learn are anatomy and physiology. The branch of science that examines the structure of the body in between biology and medicine is called anatomy. The scientific study of physiology examines how the body's organs and cells function. The position of various body parts must be understood. To provide the best care for a patient, a nurse must be knowledgeable about how every component of the body functions. Understanding how the heart functions and how the various systems that depend on it interact is more important than simply knowing where the heart is. The HESI A2 exam's Anatomy and Physiology subject, which is one of the longer science sections and has 30 questions, should take about 25 minutes.

Learner's Profile

These sections are not assessed and not all schools use them. They are intended to help students gain an understanding of their preferred learning preferences and study practices.

  • Learning style: This section determines the student's learning style through 14 questions. This part will not necessarily affect your final score. Recommended time: 15 minutes.
  • Personality Style: This section assesses the learner's personality. After completing this part, along with the former, you will receive study tips made for your result.

There are another five unscored questions from the first three sections above. They are randomly arranged, so you'll have to answer everything meticulously.

Hesi a2 practice tests by ABC E-learning


A fantastic method to get ready for this test is to practice the questions. Start by taking one of our HESI practice tests. These online tests will give you a decent indication of the subjects you should concentrate on for the remainder of your test preparation. Review the correct responses to any questions you don't get right by reading through the explanations provided for each of our HESI practice questions. I wish you luck on your test!

How can I practice for the HESI A2?

It is critical to perform well on the HESI A2 in order to get accepted into nursing school. How can you most effectively prepare for this essential exam? The ideal strategy is to use a variety of study materials and take the HESI A2 practice exam to ensure that you are ready for the examination. Mometrix Academy offers free materials to help you with this task. The links above will take you to practice exam study aids for all of the HESI subjects: Anatomy and Physiology, Biology, Chemistry, English, and Math. You can also take practice tests for free. A HESI A2 free practice test will evaluate your knowledge and skills and give you an idea of how well prepared you are for the HESI A2 exam. A practice exam will also show any areas that require additional research and comprehension. To make the best use of your time, take the HESI A2 practice test for the first time and mark which of the following assertions is true next to each question.

By asking yourself these questions, you will be able to identify your areas of strength and weakness, allowing you to spend your study time strategically on the areas that require the greatest improvement. Obviously, the questions you answered correctly did not require extensive study; however, you should go over this material again to ensure that you understand the topic completely. To put it another way, you must understand why it is the correct response. More time and attention are required for the questions that you answered correctly but were unsure about. Perhaps you only have a basic understanding of the question's topic. Passemall can provide you with all of the assistance you'll need to prepare for and pass the HESI A2. Check out our HESI exam practice test!

How to utilize the FREE HESI A2 Practice test?

As you prepare for the HESI A2 exam, you may want to use the following approach:

  • Take a practice test and make a list of the questions as described above. Make sure you have your HESI A2 study resources on hand. Don't be concerned with how long it takes the first time.
  • To obtain a better understanding of the ideas you struggled with, use our free HESI A2 study tools. Above are links to videos that cover all of the key ideas you'll need to know to do well on the HESI.
  • Take another practice test, this time attempting to utilize as few resources as possible.
  • After you've completed the first two HESI A2 practice tests, treat the rest of the practice tests as if they were the genuine HESI test. Take them as soon as possible, and take the test without using any of your resources.
  • For more instruction, check out the study guide, which includes additional practice tests. Repetition and practice are key to adequate preparation. 

HESI A2 Practice Exam Study Guide

When you're prepared to begin taking practice exams, use the following approach:

Eliminate restrictions. Take the first test at your leisure, with your notes and the HESI exam study guide at the ready. Spend some time using the techniques you've learned.

Set a timer. Set a timer and try pacing yourself to finish the second practice test in time while still taking it "open book."

Act out Test Day. Take all additional practice exams as though they were real exams. Put your study stuff away and set a timer. Imagine yourself at the testing facility as you sit at a desk or table in a quiet area and respond to questions as soon and accurately as you can.

Keep exercising. Till you run out of HESI A2 practice exams or it's time for the real examination, keep taking practice tests on a regular basis. You'll be able to concentrate on remembering the information you've learned since your mind will be prepared for the schedule and pressure of test day.

Check out the HESI A2 study guide and HESI A2 practice tests on our blog, which includes more sample exams and tips, if you need more training. These priceless tools come with a risk-free, one-year 100% money-back guarantee. For effective preparation, repetition and practice are essential.

What to bring for the HESI examination?

Aside from your presence, the only thing you need to bring is a Valid Identification Card and, in some cases, the receipt of the paid testing fee.

What Not to Bring to the HESI exam?

Do not bring any books, electronics, food, or beverages (including cell phones). Additionally, you won't need a calculator. You can utilize one of them inside the testing program. Besides, items such as calculators, dictionaries, study aids, and personal items such as electronic devices are not allowed inside the testing venue.

What to expect on HESI A2 test day?

The HESI A2 exam may be taken at a designated testing location or occasionally on a school site. You should choose the testing dates that work best for you and sign up in advance. When you register, you'll get a username and password. Keep this information safe; you'll need it the day of the exam. Make sure you know where you're going and have a strategy to arrive early on the day of the exam.

How to pass the HESI A2?

As stated earlier, the HESI A2 exam is an essential milestone for your nursing career. First, Passing the HESI A2 test is for admission to the program. Next, the HESI mid-curricular is for the continuation of the program. Finally, the HESI exit exam is for the graduation and prospect of passing the NCLEX. In this regard, we have some tips to help you ace these exams.

  1. Develop your study habits. The most valuable thing to do before you go to an examination is to set aside time for you to study. You don't necessarily need to do this alone; you can have group studies with people in the same or will be in the same programs. You can also use online materials geared towards HESI, as there are plenty of them online. Additionally, attend lessons as much as possible as there are topics that are hard to understand without a mentor. Lastly, try to focus on the areas you lack because you need to pass most of the sections in the HESI examination.
  2. Find reliable practice resource: Practice makes the perfect. Our free Hesi A2 practice test is all based on the previous exam from the questions to the test format. Moreover, 1000+ free Hesi practice questions are gamified to kill your boredom in the learning process. No sign-up, no login, just practice round by round as playing a game. After training enough, you can take our HESI full test to familiarize yourself with the test format! 
  3. Sleep, exercise, and eat healthily. Studying for the exam is excellent, but it is not good to sacrifice your health for it. Furthermore, getting enough sleep, eating healthily, and performing regular exercise can boost your learning significantly. Also, this will ensure that you are in top condition when the day of the examination arrives.
  4. Prepare everything you need for the exam as early as possible. It is not good to worry so much before you start the exam. Thus, it is best to prepare a day beforehand to go to your test venue peacefully.


Where can I take the HESI A2 exam?

Institutions conduct HESI examinations either on their campus or in a testing center. The test is computerized, so you will have to answer it on a computer provided by the exam administrator.

What should I bring on the day of the exam? 

You only need to bring yourself a Valid ID and test payment receipt. You can use the calculator provided on the HESI program, but you cannot procure one for yourself.

How many times can I retake HESI?

Most nursing institutions allow students to take the examination thrice at most in a year with a buffer time of 60 days for every test. If you still fail the third try, you will have to wait another year to try again.

How do I pay HESI? Do I need to bring the payment on the exam date?

You do not need to bring payment on the day of the exam. You can pay for your HESI test on Evolve Elsevier website using the payment ID provided by your institution.

Does the HESI allow you to use a calculator?

On the HESI A2 exam, a calculator is permitted. You cannot, however, bring your own. On-screen, a digital calculator will be available.

How do you apply for the HESI exam?

You must already have an Evolve account with Elsevier, the exam's sponsor, in order to register for the HESI entrance exam. Here is where you may register:

 Are there breaks during the HESI A2 exam?

Examinees may leave the examination room for brief periods of time to use the restroom, obtain a drink, or eat a light snack. While it is prohibited to consume food or beverages while testing, you are permitted to do so during breaks. Examinees are prohibited from using the internet or email during breaks or reading any books or study materials.

When will I receive my HESI test scores?

Since the HESI exam is computer-based, you can get your score right away after finishing the test. Either the Evolve Elsevier website or the testing facility where the exam was taken allows you to see your results.

Don’t hesitate anymore! Take our FREE HESI A2 practice test right now!