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Fun & effective NASM CPT practice test tool to pass with flying colors

All-in-one platform with everything you need to ace the NASM CPT on your first attempt


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Step 1
diagnostic test
Step 2
Step 3
full test

Proven NASM 3-step Practice Formula

After our 100,000+ users' success stories, we developed a 3-step strategy to provide you with the most precise and in-depth learning path while minimizing your prep time.

NASM CPT Diagnostic Test

First, take this short test and get your detailed report showing your strong and weak areas. Save your time by concentrating on what is in demand.


With quick, bite-sized learning techniques and a detailed study guide for each NASM CPT section, you can really strengthen your weaknesses (from step 1) and boost your scores.

NASM CPT Full Test

The last step for your preparation is taking our full NASM CPT practice tests and seeing how far you've come since the beginning. Repeat the 3-step formula until you are satisfied with your results!

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NASM CPT Test Comprehensive Guide [2024 Updated]

You should get accreditation from the National Academy (NASM) of Sports Medicine if you are interested in a profession as a personal trainer. It is the most trusted certification in the field of health and fitness, and the organization behind the NASM-CPT. Employers in the personal training sector are primarily interested in certificates from NASM. In this article, we will provide you with an overview of the NASM-CPT, hence helping you come closer to the Certified Personal Trainer position.

What is NASM-CPT?

The National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) has recognized the NASM Certified Personal Trainer (NASM-CPT) certification test. It will test your general awareness of personal fitness and is one of the certified personal credentials that organizations most appreciate. 

The term "NASM Certified Personal Trainer" and the certification certificate "NASM-CPT" may be used by candidates who are successful in completing the test.

What's on the NASM CPT Exam?

On the CPT test, there are 120 multiple-choice questions that each applicant must answer in 2 hours. In the examination room, no sources of information, telephones, laptops, or other digital equipment are permitted. PSI, an independent testing provider with several institutions in the United States, Canada, and other countries, will conduct the computer-based test. Before leaving the examination location, applicants are informed whether or not they have passed or failed the test.

The exam is the cost of the NASM Certified Personal Trainer course and may be taken online or in-person at a proctoring facility.

The NASM Certified Personal Trainer exam now comprises 6 independent domains, which will remain the case in 2024. Each of these six categories accounts for a certain proportion of the exam's 120 multiple-choice questions. Listed below are the six areas of exercise science, their percentages on the exam, the sections each domain includes, and a brief summary.





Basic and applied sciences and nutritional concepts



1 minute




1 minute

Program design



1 minute

Exercise technique and training instruction



1 minute

Client relations and behavioral coaching



1 minute

Professional development and responsibility



1 minute

Domain 1: Professional development and responsibility (10%) 

In the first domain, you'll be quizzed on the many kinds of training facilities, as well as the demographics of such facilities and the skills required to work as a personal trainer in the industry. In order to be successful, you'll also have to pass an exam on marketing and sales approaches and strategies.

Domain 2: Client relations and behavioral coaching (15%) 

For the second domain, you'll be assessed on a variety of communication and coaching tactics, such as active listening and empathic expression. You'll also be assessed on extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. On the exam, you'll be examined on your knowledge of coaching and behavioral change techniques. This includes SMART objectives, which will be assessed as well.

Domain 3: Basic and applied sciences and nutritional concepts (15%) 

These topics include everything related to physical activity and movement, including the body's internal systems and how they change as a result of physical activity. In addition to the neurological and muscular systems, you'll also be evaluated on the endocrine, cardiorespiratory, and energy systems.

The study of kinesiology and how forces impact the body is a difficult one (biomechanics). Movement terminology, muscle asymmetries, and kinds of motions are among the topics covered in this section.

Domain 4: Assessment (16%) 

Domain 4 asks you to demonstrate mastery of all steps involved in evaluating a customer. A variety of exercises, such as the overhead squat, will be used to determine your cardiovascular fitness as well as your strength and muscle imbalance.

Domain 5: Exercise technique and training instruction (24%)

SAQ training, reactive training, and resistance training are all part of the testing in this domain. You'll be asked to demonstrate your knowledge of the OPT model and demonstrate your understanding of which exercises belong to which training categories.

Domain 6: Program design (20%)

When creating a program for a customer, you must consider their objectives and requirements when coming up with a set of training concepts. The OPT training approach requires an understanding of many acute factors, including pace, training volume, pressure, resting intervals, and intensity.

How Hard is the NASM CPT Exam?

Over the last ten years, the NASM certification has a reputation for being among the toughest in the field. In an effort to raise the bar for the expertise needed by personal trainers, NASM purposefully made their exam challenging. Only prospective personal trainers who are really interested and willing to become professionals will pass the exam because of the way it is set up.

They won't give in, since the difference between a poor personal trainer and a great one might really be the difference between your client's life and death, or at the least, their health deteriorating. People who seek a better, healthier life are the focus of this profession.

You will need to devote a huge amount of time, effort, and focus to passing the test. You will need to study books for hours on end, listen to the experiences of other certified personal trainers, and maybe even get some of that knowledge yourself. Examining the statistics from prior years is the most accurate approach to determining how challenging the NASM exam is.

Our NASM CPT Application features

Free Practice Questions: 500+ free NASM CPT practice questions with detailed explanations are available for all of the required skills. All you need to pass your recruitment test is available here.

NASM CPT Practice Tests Based On Real Tests: Same number of questions, same time limits, same structure. The exam simulators let you familiarize yourself with the test format and get totally ready for the real one.

No Sign-Up Or Login Required: All of your progress is saved without an account, even if you close your browser. But login can sync your data between web and mobile applications.

Gamification: The learning process will be divided into small milestones. Let’s make your studying exciting as if you were in some interesting games.

Personal Study Plan: Just enter your NASM CPT test date, and a study plan will be set up for you. A clear schedule will surely exceed your expectation and get you the best preparation for the reading shot.

3 Interesting Test Modes: 3 different test modes with increased difficulty levels let you experience the NASM CPT practice test in various ways.

Dark Mode: Experience a dark theme that is more friendly to your eyes, and get a whole new and marvelous experience.

No Internet Required: Study on the go conveniently without any Internet connection. 

NASM Test Bank:  3 features: Weak/ Medium/ Strong questions help you clearly determine which area you should pay more attention to.

NASM CPT Exam Pass Rate

Though the NASM CPT exam is routinely updated, the percentage of candidates who pass the test has been hovering around 65% for the last several years. In 2015, the percentage of candidates who passed the NASM exam was 67%. The percentage of people who passed the NASM CPT exam in 2016 was 61%. (one of the lowest years).

The most current data that was made available by NASM is the passing proportion that was measured during the months of August 2017 and August 2018: 18,115 pupils were successful, whereas 9,550 were not. A pass rate of precisely 66% may be calculated using this information between those 2 days. It is reasonable to assume that 1 out of every 3 candidates for the NASM personal trainer test will not pass.

This particular personal trainer certification is more challenging than the typical personal training certification in general. In spite of this, it is still the most well-known and respected certification that is available, therefore you shouldn't let the figures intimidate you. All you need to do is be well-prepared and be ready for the test.

NASM CPT Exam Requirements

In order to sit for the test, you will need to meet both the age requirement of at least 18 years old as well as the requirement that you have a current CPR/AED certification that is still active. 

If you want to earn your CPR/AED certification, NASM suggests going through one of the following organizations: the American Heart Association, the American Safety and Health Institute, the American Red Cross, St. John Ambulance, the Emergency Medical Technician Certification Board, or the Emergency Care and Safety Institute.

What Happens If You Fail the NASM CPT Exam?

In the event that you do not pass the NASM exam on your first attempt, you will be given the opportunity to buy a retake voucher. A retest voucher may or may not be provided free of charge by NASM, depending on the package that the customer purchases from NASM. 

You will be required to pay an additional fee of $199 for the retest voucher if it is not included in the package that you purchased. After that, you will have to contact NASM member services at the number 1-800-460-6276.

In the event that your first try at the test was unsuccessful, you will have to wait one full week before retaking it. If you do anything twice and are unsuccessful, you have to wait a full month before you may try it again for the third time. In the event that you do not pass the examination after your third try, you will not be permitted to retake it for an entire year.

NASM CPT Exam Cost

There are several various study packages available to select from for the NASM personal trainer certification, and each one comes with a unique set of learning opportunities and advantages. The cost of only taking the test is $599. There are no supplementary learning resources included with this choice; not even the NASM textbook is provided.

For $699, you may prepare for the NASM exam with a package of a digital copy of the textbook, watch training videos, and take practice tests with answer keys.

Registering for the NASM CPT Exam

To ensure that you have enough time to study, you should register for the exam at least 60 days before you want to take the examinations. The registration deadline is three days before the exam, nevertheless.

An impartial testing company called PSI is in charge of giving the NASM exam. To take the test, you must register with PSI by contacting 800.211.2754 or visiting their website at The location, date, and time will be confirmed to you. Any other time, day, or place will not allow you entry to the exam.

Exam Check-in

You must have a picture ID with a name that matches both the name on file with NASM and the name used to register for the exam at PSI when you arrive at the testing center. You must provide a copy of your most recent CPR/AED certification card while taking the exam, and you may only do so at the venue shown on your registration confirmation.

Exam Postponement or Cancellation

If you notify PSI more than 24 hours in advance, there is no price to postpone the test. You will have to pay for a retest if you miss your scheduled exam, forfeiting the exam fee. In addition, a late cancellation fee will be applied to your account to cover the cost of the vacant seat.

Online Testing

As a result of COVID-19, the NASM exam may now be taken online with the assistance of a live remote proctor. Please visit to get in touch with the NASM Member Services section for any more information.

Retaking the Exam

You have one week to retake the NASM CPT exam if you don't pass the first time. After a 30-day waiting period, you may make a third effort if your second attempt is unsuccessful. A one-year waiting period is necessary for any further failed examinations.

The price of the Guided Study and Virtual Coaching NASM CPT training programs includes retests. The price of each of the self-study programs is $199.

NASM CPT Results Scale and Interpretations

After you have finished the exam, the score is instantly recorded, and you are provided with an initial assessment of your performance. The confirmation of these findings takes typically two weeks, during which time NASM examines the results for any irregularities and considers whether or not the results should be reinstated.

Scores are scaled after being converted from their raw form. It is deemed successful to get a scaled score of 70 or above. If you are successful in passing the exam, your score will not be revealed to you. Candidates who did not pass the exam are provided with a score breakdown in order to assist them in their preparation for the subsequent exam.

According to an analysis of past data, around 66 percent of test-takers are successful in passing the examination. Those who are successful will have their NASM Certified Personal Trainer Certificate sent to them via the mail.

How To Recertify the NASM CPT Certification?

Since the COVID-19 epidemic, NASM understands that there is a limited supply of hands-on skills evaluations for CPR/AED certificates. NASM will allow online-only CPR/AED training for a short period of time and waive the hands-on skills evaluation requirement. You may earn your CPR/AED certification online with NASM at your convenience. Exam takers and professionals renewing their qualifications may take advantage of this waiver.

As long as the CDC and government guidelines for social separation in the United States remain in place, this waiver will remain in force. There will be a 60-day grace period before the hands-on requirement may be imposed once all social distancing orders have been revoked.

As a precaution against any insurance or liability concerns, NASM strongly recommends that anyone earning a new certification or recertifying an existing one during the Waiver Period take the hands-on skills exam when it becomes available.

Step 1: Complete Your CEUs & CPR/AED Certification

Every two years, NASM-CPTs must complete 2.0 CEUs to maintain their certification. The obligatory CPR/AED certification is worth 0.1 CEUs toward this goal. CEUs are awarded depending on the number of contact hours a student spends with the instructor. These courses may earn you as much as 1.9 CEUs from NASM.

In addition, NASM-approved providers of continuing education credits (CEUs) are recognized. There is a place in your NASM Student Portal where you may submit a petition for courses that are not pre-approved by NASM.

Step 2: Upload Your Documentation 

The NASM-CPT Recertification Portal may be accessed using your NASM account. My CEUs may be found in the Continuing Education area on the left-hand side of the page.

Choose Provider/Petition CEUs or Add Other CEUs to enter your CEUs. Continuing education certifications and a copy of your adult CPR/AED certification should be sent. You will automatically be placed in Category A if you have attended any courses provided by NASM. Please be aware that after completing a NASM course, the results may not appear on the portal for up to two hours.

Step 3: Pay Your Recertification Fee

In the left-hand menu column, go to Certifications, then Renewal. In order to renew your CPT certification, check the box next to your expiry date and click on Renew or Certify For Life. Certify for Life may be renewed by clicking the Renew option if you have previously bought it.

Recertification fees must be paid using the NASM checkout cart (s). Please be aware that audit participants will be selected at random. Once your application has been completed, you will get a confirmation email.


How to pass the NASM-CPT exam?

The NASM exam is impossible to cheat on. Studying the provided material and being familiar with it are going to be your greatest bets for passing the NASM CPT certification exam. Make an organized study plan, go over the material in the areas in which you are lacking, and do some practice exams to assist you to figure out where your strengths and weaknesses lie.

How much time is required to prepare for the NASM-CPT exam?

The NASM standard certification program is an online course that lasts for ten weeks. In addition to the online course, candidates have the opportunity to take part in a live workshop that includes both hands-on and interactive activities. In order to accomplish all of the online courses and be ready for the test, learners should plan to devote around 10–12 weeks of their time.

Is the NASM-CPT practice exam similar to the real test?

Candidates who have participated in the official NASM practice test have often reported that it does not adequately prepare them for the real thing. The practice test will, however, highlight the subject areas in which you have more room for improvement and should devote more time to studying.

Is the NASM CPT worth it?

It is held in very high respect and is accepted by the majority of health and fitness businesses across the board. But we could talk about how popular NASM is all day, so instead let's take a look at some statistics. The National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) has the greatest enrollment numbers out of all the top NCCA-accredited certificates, with 22,304 trainers enrolling in the program in 2019.

The NASM-CPT or the ACE - which one is the best option?

It all relies on the objectives you have for your work path. ACE is all that is required of you if you want to deal with broad people. On the other hand, if you want to place more of emphasis on the various corrective workout approaches, the NASM would be the best choice for you.

Why is NASM-CPT the best?

In the field of fitness, the NASM-CPT is widely regarded as the most prestigious personal trainer certification program available. It is certified by the NCCA, provides you with high-quality information to help you prepare for the test, is cost-effective, provides you with unique specialty opportunities, and has the fewest number of questions on the exam.

How much does it cost to retake the NASM exam?

If you don't succeed the first time, you may try again an endless number of times until you do. If you purchase the Premium Self-Study Package, you are eligible to repeat the NASM exam at no additional cost, despite the fact that the standard charge to retake the exam is a staggering $199.

Above is all the related information about the NASM CPT exam and certification, which can be beneficial for you during the process of preparing for this test. Though it is a challenging exam, we believe all your effort will deserve a high outcome.