ati teas version 7

What’s New on the ATI TEAS Version 7? [2025 Updated]

ATI TEAS Version 7 has been launched with several upgrades that you should be aware of.  Check this article to get the most up-to-date information.

Updated at November 8, 2022

Do you get any information on the most recent version of the ATI TEAS exam that’s been released? Exactly, that’s the ATI TEAS Version 7 test. This test version launched on June 3, 2022, and had some upgrades compared to its recent version – ATI TEAS 6. To get further useful information, continue reading this article.

ati teas version 7

TEAS 7 Content Outline

The TEAS 7 test is identical to the TEAS 6 test version in that it comprises 170 questions, however, just 150 questions are assessed, and 20 pre-test questions are not evaluated. The unscored questions are utilized for investigation reasons in preparation for the subsequent upgrade to the examinations. The great news is that these questions will not be included in your total score; the bad news is that you won’t be able to tell which questions are part of the “pre-test.”

The test will assess your knowledge in four subject areas: science, math, reading, and English and language usage.


On TEAS 7, the Reading part will give you 55 minutes to finish it. The Reading phase of the exam consists of a total of 45 questions, 39 of which are assessed and 6 of which are pretest questions. These questions are broken down into the following divisions:

  • Key Ideas & Details
  • Craft & Structure
  • Integration of Knowledge & Ideas


You will just have 1 hour to finish the math portion of the TEAS 7 exam. There are a total of 50 questions in the math portion, with only 34 of those questions counting toward your score and the remaining four serving as a pre-test.

  • Numbers & Algebra
  • Measurement & Data


For the Science portion of TEAS 7, you will have a total of 55 minutes to finish it. The questions in the Science part, which comprise 50 in total (44 of which are scored, and 6 of which are pretest questions), are categorized into the following subgroups:

  • Human Anatomy & Physiology
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Scientific Reasoning

One significant change that has been made to the TEAS 7 Science section is that it now has the chemistry and biology sections.

English Language Usage

The English portion of the TEAS 7 will give you a total of 37 minutes to finish it. There are a total of 37 questions in the Reading portion, 33 of which are scored and 4 of which are part of a pre-test. These questions are divided up into the following subgroups:

  • Conventions of Standard English
  • Knowledge of Language
  • Writing Expression Through Language and Vocabulary

TEAS 7 Question Types

Multiple choice was the sole kind of question format used on the TEAS 6 exam. On TEAS 7, there will be multiple-choice questions, multiple-select questions, fill-in questions, ordering questions, and hot spot questions. The purpose of these question categories is to simulate the next-generation NCLEX.

The following is an explanation of the several different kinds of questions. Please keep in mind that the data supplied here is the most up-to-date that we have. The following explanations are meant to help you comprehend how a question may be posed; nevertheless, the questions shown here are NOT the ones that will appear on your test.

Multiple-Choice Questions

This is the most typical kind, and it’s the one with which you are probably most comfortable dealing. The test will include multiple-choice questions, each of which will have four possible responses, but only one of those responses will be right. There will be graphics and figures provided as references for several of the questions.

Multiple Select Questions

Multiple select questions are very comparable to multiple choice questions, with the primary distinction being that there might be more than one response option that is accurate. You are going to be given the option to “select all that apply.” Questions with multiple choices could be structured like this:

  • Math: Choose all of the fractions that have the same value as 2/3 from the list below.
  • Reading: Choose all of the phrases that are instances of the author’s viewpoint inside the article.
  • Science: In the field of science, the inner ear contains which of the following bones?
  • English Language Usage: Choose all of the phrases including subject-verb conjunction that is arranged correctly.

ati teas version 7


You may be acquainted with questions of the “fill in the blank” kind. You will be required to provide either free-form text or numerical values to fill in the blanks, as the name suggests. The answers to these questions will be accompanied by detailed instructions on how to submit them. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention, since there is a possibility that you may not obtain credit for an answer if the format is not acceptable.

Some instances of how these directives may be written are as follows:

  • Math: Please enter your response without a dollar sign and round it to the closest hundredth.
  • Reading: Please enter your response as a decimal, rounded to the closest tenth (some of the reading questions may need you to do basic mathematical calculations, so make sure you pay careful attention to those questions).
  • Science: Please enter your comment into the box below, making sure there are no spaces before or after it.
  • English Language Usage: When entering your response, do not include any dashes or other commas.

Remember that there is no partial credit available for these questions; thus, you must submit your answer precisely as it is intended for you to get full credit for these questions. We’ve seen a lot of people get these questions wrong, involving rounding off to the wrong place, placing spaces before the answers, and failing to include anything such as dollar signs (or including them when they were advised not to include them).

Ordering Questions

You will have between 4 and 6 alternatives, each of which has to be placed in the appropriate sequence. After you have clicked, dragged, and dropped the answers into the correct sequence, you will need to click the “submit” button to go to the next question. Some instances of these instructions could look somewhat like the ones that follow:

  • Math: Arrange the rational numbers that follow from smallest to largest in order from least to greatest.
  • Reading: Arrange the sentences that follow in the chronological sequence in which the events described in the following scenario take place.
  • Science: Put the stages of natural selection in the proper sequence.
  • English Language Usage: Arrange the many stages of the writing process in the appropriate sequence.

Please keep in mind that all of your answers must be arranged in the right sequence. 

Hot Spots Questions

You will be presented with an image, and it will be necessary for you to click on the appropriate part of the picture. These questions are very much like the multiple-choice kind, with the exception that there is only one appropriate response (or section, in this instance) for you to choose from. Some examples of these instructions could look somewhat like the ones that follow:

  • Math: Which point on this chart is located at the coordinates (3,3)?
  • Reading: If someone were seeking information on hiking routes, where on the accompanying map might they go?
  • Science: Which of the following diagrams best depicts the position of the right ventricle in the heart? 

Final Words

The above is all the information related to the ATI TEAS Version 7. Although it has launched with several upgrades in the content outline and format, in general, it is still considered to be similar to its last version – ATI TEAS 6. So in case you’re now preparing for the TEAS 6 version, don’t worry. Keep your work going and confidently register for the new test. Good luck!

On this website, we offer thousands of free TEAS practice tests to help you thoroughly prepare for this exam!