The National Council Licensure Examination for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN) is a test that practical and vocational nurses who are just starting out have to take. The purpose of this exam is to determine whether or not they are capable of providing the most fundamental forms of nursing care. Members of the NCSBN from the states and territories use the NCLEX-PN to guarantee that entry-level practical nurses meet the stated requirements for nursing licensure. These requirements include demonstrating competency in areas such as safe and effective nursing practices. Have a look at this page to get beneficial information on how many questions are on the NCLEX PN!
How Many Questions Are on The NCLEX PN?
The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) is in charge of coordinating the administration of the NCLEX tests, which are used to determine whether a candidate is qualified to work as a registered nurse (RN) or a practical nurse (PN).
How many questions are on NCLEX PN exam? While the NCLEX-RN may have 265 questions, the NCLEX-PN only has 205 questions. This is a significant difference. Even if a test taker is only able to answer some of the questions on the NCLEX-PN or NCLEX-RN exams, they are still required to answer a certain minimum number of questions over the whole of their testing session.
Participants in the NCLEX-RN exam are required to respond to a minimum of 75 questions. Candidates for the NCLEX-PN are required to complete a minimum of 85 multiple-choice questions. Because of the format of the test, the number of questions that a candidate is expected to answer may vary. This is because of the format of the test.
The NCLEX-PN test covers a wide variety of subject matter, each of which has a varying amount of emphasis in terms of content and organization. The following details the precise weight ranges, proposed themes, and content portions for each individual segment.
How Does the Computerized Testing System Work?
The examination process is adapted to meet the requirements of each individual. The NCLEX examinations make use of computer tools that can determine if a candidate has provided an appropriate or inappropriate response to a question. If the test-taker responds correctly to the question, the one that comes after it will be more challenging. As a direct consequence of her answer, a question that is somewhat more challenging will be posed to her.
The responses that a test taker enters into the computer are analyzed by the computer while the test is being taken. After she has responded to a sufficient number of questions, the test will come to an end. At that point, the computer will have a 95 percent chance of determining whether or not she has met the criteria necessary to pass.
People who answer a large number of questions correctly or incorrectly early on will have a shorter testing session than those who are getting close to the passing threshold and need to answer a large number of additional questions to determine whether they passed or failed the exam.
Types of NCLEX-PN Test Questions
After understanding how many questions for NCLEX PN, let’s dive into the types of NCLEX-PN questions:
Safe and Effective Care Environment
This section of the NCLEX-PN test comprises between 21 and 33 percent of the total number of questions. A safe and effective care environment addresses a variety of issues, including infection control, care and safety concerns, patients with mental or psychiatric conditions, the safety of medicine distribution to patients, and more.
It is possible that questions pertaining to nurse management, as well as ethical and legal issues, and the results of laboratory tests and tests, will be posted in this particular section of the exam.
Continuity of Physiological Function
The most significant component of the NCLEX-PN test, without a doubt. This part is responsible for between 43 and 67 percent of the total questions on the examination. This field encompasses a broad spectrum of topics, some of which include physiological adaptation, fundamental care and comfort, risk reduction, pharmacological and parenteral treatments, pediatric care, geriatric medicine, adult medical and surgical care, infectious illnesses, and more.
Health Promotion and Maintenance
As the name suggests, the primary emphasis of this area is on promoting good health and preventing sickness. This course will cover topics such as sexually transmitted infections (STIs), human growth and development, preventative medicine, infant growth and development, and more. This topic accounts for between seven and thirteen percent of the questions that will be asked throughout the examination.
Psychosocial Integrity
The abilities of a nurse to interact with patients who are housed in mental institutions are put to the test in this setting. Personality Disorders, Coping, Depression, Psychosocial Adjustment, Anxiety Disorders, Schizophrenia, and Anorexia are some of the topics that will be discussed in this section of the course. The majority of the questions on this examination are clustered in the 8–14 percentile level.
What is CAT (Computer Adaptive Testing)?
This computer-based assessment process, which is sometimes referred to as Adapted Testing, is tailored to the capacity of the persons who are participating in it. This technology is the foundation for the technology that is utilized in the NCLEX-PN tests. You may think about it like this: the more questions you answer properly, the fewer questions you will have to answer in the future, as the degree of difficulty increases. On the other hand, if you don’t answer a sufficient number of questions properly, you’ll be given extra questions of a simpler kind to answer. This will happen if you don’t pass the test.
The NCLEX-PN exam has several requirements that candidates must fulfill in order to pass. When it comes to the CAT, the scores are determined in a manner that is the same for each and every examinee. This practice, in contrast to traditional approaches to taking exams, reduces the length of the examination while preserving a high level of accuracy.
The fact that you can’t foresee how long it will take you to finish this test makes it tough to organize your time effectively since it’s impossible to know how long it will take you to complete it. On the other hand, the NCLEX-PN test is only given in this format, therefore you will need to ensure that you are well prepared for it.
How Does NCLEX PN Question You?
Your first step in getting ready for the NCLEX exam should be to talk to licensed practical nurses who are already working in the field about their experiences with the exam. In the event that you make use of this knowledge, you will be able to modify your approach correctly. If you want to do well on the CAT, you’ll need to come up with a unique game plan since it’s not like any other test you’ve taken.
Multiple-choice questions make up the bulk of the examination (Multiple-Choice Questions). There is a possibility that there are anywhere from two to eight possible outcomes. “Multiple-Multiple” questions, in which you are required to pick from a number of possibilities and reply to each one separately, are another prevalent kind of question. When there are many correct answers to a question, you are required to mark all of them.
Another kind of inquiry is known as a “fill-in-the-blank” question, and it requires the respondent to complete the sentence by filling in the gaps with the appropriate responses. On the other hand, questions of this kind are quite uncommon on the NCLEX. Questions pertaining to the hot spot, sound, drag-and-drop operations, and chart/exhibit comparisons could also be on the list of potential topics.
When it comes to assessment, both hot spot questions and sound questions are important to consider. On the other hand, sound questions require you to listen to a patient’s heartbeat, lungs, or other body sounds in order to identify any abnormalities that may be present.
How to Deal with NCLEX PN Questions?
In order to succeed on the NCLEX, you will need to draw on a mix of your prior knowledge and test-taking strategies. Due to the fact that the National Council Licensure Examination requires candidates to have a game plan, it is just as important to comprehend the questions that are on the NCLEX as it is to have a comprehensive understanding of the material that will be tested. As a bigger picture, we will discuss today the eight stages of research that go into answering each NCLEX question.
Read the whole question
We’ve said it in the past, and we’ll mention it once more now: Before proceeding to the part containing the responses, you must ensure that you have finished reading the question in its entirety. There is a significant number of incorrect responses that are not attributable to a deficiency in the availability of information: They came about as a direct consequence of a failure to read the question in its entirety, which led to a misunderstanding of what was being asked. It is not necessary for you to rush through this! It’s conceivable that the question doesn’t ask what you think it does. Just keep in mind that this is a possibility.
Ask yourself first
You should study for the test while also giving yourself time to practice. Before moving on to the possible answers, you may want to think about rewording or rephrasing the question. Check that you can rephrase the question using your own words so that you fully understand what it is trying to get from you.
Let’s get started with our free NCLEX PN practice test to pass the actual exam on your first attempt.
Consider different types of questions
Remember that each question on the NCLEX test asks a different set of questions altogether. Quickly and simply determining if a question is significant, positive, or negative is something that can be done. In most cases, there is more than one correct answer to these questions; nonetheless, you are required to choose which action to do first. If the question is affirmative, then only one response may be offered, but if the question is negative, then more than one answer can be supplied.
Pay attention to the answer to each question
After you have determined what the question is asking of you, examine each of the potential responses in further detail and give some consideration to each one. You may prevent yourself from making rash choices if you carefully consider each option before moving on to the next one.
Pay attention to a single scenario
In the NCLEX questions, there is only one patient and one nurse, in contrast to the reality of a medical care setting, in which nurses are expected to do a variety of challenging tasks at the same time. As a consequence of this, it is presumable that the scenario that has been provided has all of the pertinent instructions.
The patient should only be recommended to make an appointment with their physician if the nurse is unable to avert the repercussions of the sickness. Maintain as much clarity as you can in this situation. Do not overcomplicate matters by assuming more about a circumstance than is warranted; this will only make matters more difficult. Consider the possibility that each response is right.
Determine if the responses are incorrect, correct, or possible
As you go through the replies, you should evaluate each one to determine if it is accurate, wrong, or perhaps correct. Throw out right away any choice that is patently absurd, and do not come back to it under any circumstances. It is important to remember this possibility while you are thinking about the others, so keep it in mind.
It is important to keep in mind that the response that is considered “right” in response to a negative question is really the one that is considered “incorrect.” This is one of the reasons why it is so important to make sure that you know the kind of question before you begin answering it.
Rank your correct and possible options
You should be able to narrow down the available answer options to a select few that, after careful consideration, seem to be right or, at the very least, believable. Be sure that the response that you believe to be the most appropriate one is at the very top of your list.
Prioritize the issues and tasks
The questions will include a significant amount of material in their entirety. Try to ascertain which of your experiences or responses is most pertinent in light of the current circumstances. Always keep in mind that the first stage in the process of defining priorities is an accurate appraisal. Start with the activities that are absolutely necessary for survival, such as breathing. Determine your next course of action by referring to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
It is important to keep in mind that even if all of the answers to an NCLEX question are correct, only one of them should be considered the priority action.
Manage your time effectively
The time limit for the NCLEX-PN examination is set at five hours, but the time limit for the NCLEX-RN examination is set at six hours. On the other hand, the number of questions on the NCLEX-PN and NCLEX-RN ranges from between 85 and 205 and 75 and 65, respectively. It is important to keep in mind that the length of the questions is what will determine the total number of questions on the exam.
You are given 1.3 minutes to answer each question on the tests; however, some questions could take you less time, while others might take you more time. While you are permitted to take as many breaks throughout the test as you feel are warranted, the time that you spend doing so will be counted against the total amount of time that you spend completing the exam.
When taking an exam, it is important not to speculate or overthink the questions. It is OK to spend more time on the questions that are easy in order to conserve time for the questions that are more challenging; nevertheless, you should not spend more than two minutes on any question or you will not have enough time to complete the test.
Be confident
The amount of preparation you put into the NCLEX is directly proportional to the results you get on the exam. You’ll need to have a complete understanding of everything covered in the comprehensive NCLEX-PN and NCLEX-RN Study Guides in order to be successful on the exams. As long as you have access to the Internet, you are free to utilize these online resources to study whenever, wherever, and whenever it is most convenient for you to do so.
You may use them at any time of the day or night. At the conclusion of each unit, there will be a brief test to see whether or not you have thoroughly mastered the principles covered. There are also free practice exams for the NCLEX that may be accessed online. Before using these materials, check to see that they have been updated to reflect the most current exam that was given.
Take action and don’t look back
It’s time to choose a path and begin moving in a new direction! Never give yourself the opportunity to second-guess yourself by dwelling on the problem for too long. You won’t have as much time to second-guess your answers on the NCLEX since the test is timed, which is a good thing considering that second-guessing does more damage than it solves and is not worth the effort. It is considerably more probable that an incorrect answer will arise from a frightened reaction as opposed to a correct one.
What Should You Do on the NCLEX-PN Exam Day?
After you have completed all of the steps required for registration, you should direct your focus to the preparation. Do not put things off till the very last minute. If you are well-prepared, you will experience this day with a higher level of confidence. Make sure that you have all of the required papers, such as proof of identification and an admission card, before you go over to the testing place.
Because hats, scarves, and gloves are not allowed in the examination room, it is imperative that you do not bring any of these things with you. You should make it a priority to be at the testing site at least 30 minutes before the test is scheduled to begin. If you are more than thirty minutes late to the exam, you will not be allowed to proceed with the test. However, exam costs are not refundable under any circumstances.
You are going to have to go through all of the security procedures in order to be allowed entry into the examination room. We will verify your identity using the documents you provided. In addition, a photo of yourself, your signature, and a scan of your palm veins are all necessities. Students are subjected to further screening procedures after they enter the examination room.
Every action that the test taker performs is captured on audio and video records during the exam. It is not permissible for you to bring any of your own materials, including paper or a pen. On-screen, you will have access to a dry-erase board as well as a dry-erase calculator.
As the exam starts, you should do your best to keep up with the pace. When it comes to exams, finishing them early does not get you additional points. Keep a calm mood and pay careful attention to the questions that are being asked on the test. After the test is over, there will be a short survey that has to be completed as quickly as feasible. Simply raising your hand will be enough to convey to the examiner that you have finished the task at hand.
The results of the examination will be made available after a delay. After the computations have been completed, the data is checked for accuracy so that decisions about passing or failing may be made accordingly.
How many questions are on the NCLEX PN? Now, you’ve got the answer. Good luck to you in your next exam.