hesi score conversion

[2025 Updated] HESI Score Conversion | FREE HESI Questions

If you just took your HESI exam and didn't know how the HESI score relates to the conversion one, let's take a look at the HESI score conversion in 2022!

Updated at March 13, 2023

The Health Education Systems, Inc. is known as HESI. This test serves as a typical educational performance predictor in the healthcare sector. You might not be aware that HESI is actually a family of exams, one of which is an exit exam if you are just starting out in nursing school. The conversion score on this test—which predicts how well you’ll fare on the NCLEX—includes some baffling scoring. Thus, take a look at the HESI score conversion in this post and take our free HESI A2 practice test in the meantime to ensure acing your test the first time

How is the HESI A2 graded?

The HESI exit exam is scored on a percentage scale. Students can achieve a maximum HESI score of 100%. The HESI exam results include a percentage score for each subtest taken as well as a cumulative score, which is the average of all subtest scores.

For example, if a student got a 91% in math, 82% in reading comprehension, 88% in vocabulary, and 85% in grammar, their cumulative score would be 86.5%. 

There is no set passing score or required score for all test participants. The HESI score requirements are set by each school. Individuals planning to take the HESI should review the admission requirements for the postsecondary institution to which they intend to apply.

There are two ways to score the HESI exit exam. They begin by converting the results of the ten subject tests into a percentage that represents the number of questions correctly answered. On a scale of 0-100%, each subject test is scored.

For example, if you answered 40 out of 50 questions correctly in one section, your raw score would be 80%. The raw score is used to calculate the conversion score.

Some schools may require that students have a cumulative score of at least a specific amount (usually above 70% ). Other schools may require that students achieve a certain percentage on each subtest. The criteria will differ depending on the school and program.

If you’re applying to a competitive program, a higher competitive score will almost certainly be necessary. When compared to other candidates, a better score will help you stand out.

What is the average HESI a2 score?

Is a HESI score of 85 a good score? So, 70-79% requires remediation, 80-85% is a good score (but maybe higher), 85-90% is good at the material (average), and 90-100% is excellent at the material (above average).

Read more>>> How is the HESI A2 exam scored

What is the HESI Score Conversion?

hesi score conversion

The conversion score is a weighted percentage score that takes into account the exam’s average difficulty as well as the difficulty of the test items you answered. The conversion score may be used as part of your course mark depending on how your faculty uses this exam.

Each raw score is adjusted, and the conversion score is graded on a scale of 0-1000. The HESI’s designers understand that some of the test’s questions are more challenging than others. As a result, they alter each raw score based on the question’s complexity. Because of the weighted scoring, correctly answering a difficult question adds more points to the conversion score than correctly answering an easy one.

However, because only the HESI knows which questions are easy and which are difficult, a test taker cannot convert a raw score to a conversion score immediately. There may be inconsistencies between raw and conversion scores because no one but the HESI staff knows how the questions are weighted.

One person, for example, could have a raw score of 78% and a conversion score of 905. Another might obtain an 83% raw score but a conversion score of 803.

It would imply that the student with the higher raw score on their test had easier questions than the student with the lower raw score.

What is a good score on the HESI A2 exam?

While each institution has its own set of acceptable scores, there are some general principles that are followed.

When it comes to conversion scores, many schools take the following approach:

Percentage Score



Outstanding probability of passing


Excellent probability of passing


Average probability of passing


Below average probability of passing


Additional preparation required


Serious preparation required


Grave danger of poor performance


Poor performance anticipated

Each institution will have its own set of criteria for qualifying you for the NCLEX, but most seem to require at least an 850, with some going as high as 900. Make sure you know what your institution expects from you on the HESI exit exam.

How can I improve my HESI score?

hesi score conversion

The HESI A2 exam is challenging to pass, but it is one of the first steps toward admission to your desired healthcare or nursing program. But before you start stressing about taking the HESI exam, there are a few things you should know that will help you pass the HESI A2 exam.

Know the Exam

You’ve studied and are familiar with the material, but have you looked at the real exam? Taking the time to study for the exam will help you learn more about the HESI exam’s details and what to expect when you take the actual exam.

What you need to know about the HESI test is as follows:

On the HESI exam, there are 326 questions spread over 9 sections.

You have four hours to answer the 301 questions.

Read Everything Carefully

Because the HESI exam can be difficult, it is critical that you read the entire question as well as all of the answers carefully. Often, the test writers will include a few tactics to distract your attention away from the correct answer. They may have one or two answers that appear correct but are not necessarily the “best” option.

Understand That There Is No “Pass” or “Fail”

The HESI exam is graded on a scale of 750 to 900, with 900 being the highest possible score. While there is no such thing as a “pass” or “fail” on the HESI exam, each school has its own set of requirements for admission, including which subtests are required.

HESI A2 Study Guide

Using a study guide can assist you in learning more about the HESI exam as well as brushing up on concepts and important terms that may appear on the exam. Finding a study guide that is specially created for the HESI exam is critical, and even more so choosing one that gets right to the point of what you need to study is even more critical.

Create a Study Schedule

Don’t wait until the last minute to study for your HESI exam. After you’ve set your test date, sit down and plan out a study schedule that you can keep to until the day of the test. Instead of cramming the night before the exam, use this time to get a good night’s sleep so that you can wake up refreshed and ready to take the exam the next day.

HESI A2 Practice Test

The only way to figure out which areas you need to work on is to take a HESI practice test. This will not only help you identify where you need to improve, but it will also give you a feel for the real exam. Let’s get started with our free HESI practice test to ensure that you pass the exam on the first try with a high score.

Find Out Which Tests You Need

Many nursing schools require that applicants take the HESI A2 exam in its entirety. Many schools and programs, on the other hand, do not require the completion of all sections. Check with the nursing school you want to attend for information on which sections of the HESI A2 exam you’ll need to take. You’ll be able to properly prepare for them this way.

Take The Individual Exams in Order from Easy to Difficult

You don’t have to take the tests in any particular order, and you can choose which section to take first. Take the areas of the exam that are simpler for you now, and save the more difficult sections for later. This will not only offer you more time to study for the more difficult sections of the HESI exam, but it will also allow you to complete some of the easier sections.

Check Your Answers

The HESI test is timed in its entirety. Individual sections, on the other hand, are not. This implies that you can spend as much time as you like on each section. Because individual exams aren’t timed, you can go back and double-check your answers to ensure you didn’t make any errors. When it comes to the mathematics section, this will be such an important thing.

FAQs – HESI Score Conversion

hesi score conversion

How to calculate HESI A2 score?

The HESI exam is scored on a percentage scale ranging from 0% to 100%. For example, on the HESI math exam, if a student answered 50 of the 55 questions correctly, they would get a 91% on that section of the exam. Students will get a cumulative score in addition to individual scores for each section of the exam.

What is a passing score on the HESI?

What are the conditions for passing the HESI A2 Exam? Each section must be passed with a score of at least 75% or higher. 

Can you use a calculator on the HESI A2 test?

On the HESI exam, you are allowed to use a calculator. You cannot bring your own calculator, however. Instead, there will be a digital calculator on-screen.

How long are HESI A2 scores good for?

One year.

The HESI A2 results are valid for one year from the end date and will be reviewed by the admission committee for academic eligibility within that period of time.

How many times can you take HESI A2?

You can only take the HESI exam once every 60 days, and you can only take it no more than 3 times in a 12-month period.

The HESI exit exam is an important component of the nursing program. It is a test that assesses an individual’s academic and practical readiness for a profession in medicine. When you receive your raw score, keep in mind that it will be converted to a conversion score.

Read more>>> The Comprehensive Guide to HESI Remediation  

It’s your job to determine how your school will use raw and converted scores since every school has a different policy. I sincerely hope you learned something new from this article about HESI score conversion. Let’s put a lot of effort into the HESI A2 exam and get what you want!

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