In this article, we will answer all your questions about HiSET Scores. Let’s take a deeper look at this!
What is the HiSET?
The High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) is a new method for individuals who did not complete high school to earn a diploma and begin their path to college or a career. Test takers have the option of taking the exam on a computer or with a pencil and paper. The exam is divided into five sections: math, science, English, social studies, and writing. All sections are multiple-choice (40-50 questions), with the Writing section requiring candidates to write an essay.
The HiSET exam lasts several hours and is difficult to pass. On test day, it is critical to be thoroughly prepared. Passemall offers a large number of free HiSET test questions to help you prepare for the exam. Take them to improve your knowledge! On this website, we offer thousands of free HISET practice tests questions to help you thoroughly prepare for this exam!
Passing Requirements
Most states use these HiSET® passing requirements, which means that to pass the HiSET exam, you must:
– Score a minimum of 8 out of 20 for each of the five subtests
– Score a minimum of 2 out of 20 for the essay
According to a national survey of high school juniors and seniors, 60% of recently graduated high school students would pass the HiSET exam. Your score reports indicate whether you passed or failed.
What is a scaled score on HiSET?
Most tests provide a raw score or the number of correct answers versus the number of incorrect answers. Because the HiSET exam has multiple versions called “forms,” we can’t simply compare the number correct versus the number incorrect because the test you took may have been slightly different than a form that another person took. We use a scaled score to ensure fairness.
A scaled score allows you to compare results from different versions of the same test. We obtain it by converting raw scores to a common scale. A passing score of 8 does not mean you answered all eight questions correctly; it means you obtained an 8 on a scale based on the difficulty of the test form you took. A scaled score makes it simple to maintain test fairness and support retesting.
How Is the HiSET Scored?
HiSET’s scoring is simple and clear. Every correct answer earns you one point, which is added to your overall score. Each multiple-choice section is worth a maximum of 20 points, while the essay section is worth only six points overall. People will grade your essays rather than automated software, usually by a team of professionals.
A passing grade is defined as 45 cumulative points on the multiple-choice portion (eight points on each individual subsection) and two points on the essay portion.
You will receive your scores between 6 and 10 days after accomplishing the essay portion of the test, and between 3 and 5 business days after completing the multiple-choice sections. Your HiSET scores are accessible via your account on the test’s official webpage, which means you must log in to see them. You will not usually receive them via other means, such as snail mail.
If you are unable to view your scores, whether due to a problem with your Internet access or for other reasons, you may contact the testing center where your test was administered. They can retrieve your scores regardless of whether you took the entire test or just a part of it at their site. The same is true if you can log into your HiSET account but are unable to view your scores. You have the option of contacting either testing facility. Furthermore, if you want your results mailed to a specific organization, you can contact the ETS directly at 1-855-694-4738.
When you receive your HiSET results, you will be given two sets, each with a different meaning.
Read more >> HiSET vs GED: What Is The Main Difference?
What are 2 different HiSET score reports?
Your HiSET test results are available in the form of a series of reports.
1- Individual test report:
The individual test report is the second component of the HiSET scoring and contains a great deal more information about your abilities. This section contains not only your HiSET exam scores for each section but also a full report that goes with the score. These reports indicate whether or not you passed that section and what this means for your readiness for the workplace or higher education.
Individual Test Reports reports contain the following data:
- The test date
- Subtest scaled score result
- Minimum scaled score result required to pass
- If you earned the minimum scaled score required to pass
- If you achieved a scaled score of 15 out of 20 and demonstrated college and career readiness,
Individual Competency Performance Summary
2- Comprehensive score report:
When you take a gander at your HiSET scores, the first thing you’ll notice is your comprehensive score report. This report only shows the highest scores you have obtained in each section of the HiSET and is synchronized with any retakes you take. This is usually the score you request to be sent to your institution. The comprehensive score report tells you not only how well you did on the HiSET, but also how many sections you have performed so far.
The Comprehensive Score Report includes the following information:
- Report publication date
- Dates of testing
- Status of the test (the number of subtests you have taken)
- If you met all three of the passing criteria
- The cumulative record of the highest scaled scores on each subtest
- Indication of whether or not you passed the HiSET.
Who Else Gets Your HiSET Scores?
Your results are automatically transmitted to the state that will issue your high school equivalency diploma.
Through your online account, you can send your scores to whoever you want, such as a community college, university, military, or employer.
The official website can only send your HiSET scores to a third-party agency if it is a Designated Institution. They will not share your test results with anyone without your permission.
Hope that the above information answers all your questions about HiSET scores. Hope you are doing well!