study guide for tsi math

Ultimate Study Guide for TSI Math [2025 Updated]

In order to ace TSI math, having a comprehensive and effective study guide for TSI math is very important. Check this article for more beneficial information!

Updated at December 9, 2022

Before diving into the study guide for TSI math, let’s discover what the TSI test is. The Texas Success Initiative Assessment, often known as the TSI, is a test that is given to incoming students in Texas to evaluate how well they are prepared for the amount of work required in college. Every prospective student at the Texas college is required to take the TSI test unless they meet the requirements to get an exemption under certain conditions. The results of this test indicate whether or not a student needs to participate in remedial teaching methods.

On this website, we also offer thousands of free TSI practice test questions for Math and other TSI sections to help you thoroughly prepare for this exam!

study guide for tsi math

The TSI examination is a multiple-choice, computer-adaptive test that does not have a time limit. When the test is concluded, the student will immediately be provided with both TSI scores and specific information about their current level of skill.

TSI Math Format

The mathematics portion of the TSI Assessment consists of around twenty questions with multiple-choice answers. If a student does not get the minimum score necessary, they will be given an extra 40 problems to do so that their mathematical ability may be evaluated. The following 40 questions will cover more fundamental aspects of mathematics, such as percentages, decimals, area, and perimeter, along with the operation of multiplication.

On the TSI Assessment Math porting, you will only be asked questions with multiple-choice answers. The majority of the material in Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 is covered by these questions. If you want to be successful in those areas, you need to put your attention there.

Geometry, algebraic functions, basic and intermediate algebra, data analysis, statistics, and probability are all subjects that you should be acquainted with. On the TSI Math subtest, a student’s comprehension of measures (such as planar geometry), transformations and symmetry, area, volume, and three-dimensional measurements are also tested.

To get a passing score on the mathematics portion of the TSI Assessment, a student has to have an understanding of mathematical functions, basic operations, rational and exponential expressions, as well as mathematical equations.

In addition, a student’s skills and level of comprehension in the areas of probability, statistics, and data analysis are examined and scored. Participants in the TSI test are required to demonstrate an understanding of probabilistic reasoning, the ability to analyze categorical and quantitative data, as well as statistical data and metrics.

What’s on TSI Math?

Mathematics, reading comprehension, and writing are going to be tested in the TSI exam. In the arithmetic portion of this test, there will be a total of 20 questions with multiple-choice answers. Within this part, students will be evaluated on the following four key topics:

  • Elementary Algebra and Functions
  • Intermediate Algebra and Functions
  • Geometry and Measurement
  • Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability

Elementary Algebra & Functions

The skill of test-takers in solving a range of algebraic problems at both the elementary and intermediate levels is evaluated during the algebra section of the examination. In the elementary algebraic expressions and functions portion of the test, participants will be asked to combine or simplify algebraic expressions and solve basic equations. Additionally, they will be tested on their ability to solve simple equations.

Intermediate Algebra & Functions

Participants in the Intermediate Algebra and Functions test are expected to have an understanding of what a quadratic equation is as well as how to solve a quadratic equation. In this section, it is essential to learn how to simplify square roots and how to use the quadratic formula to discover answers to problems. 

Additionally, it is important to know how to simplify square roots. In the section of the test that covers intermediate algebra and functions, there is supplemental material in the form of additional questions on radicals, functions, and equations that are rational and exponential.

study guide for tsi math

Geometry and Measurement

In the geometry and measurement section, test takers’ understanding of geometric concepts such as area, symmetry, and three-dimensional shape will be tested. Participants in the examination need to be prepared to answer questions such as those on missing dimensions for rectangles, triangles, and circles in this section. 

The questions included in this section are designed to evaluate the candidates’ knowledge of solid figures, three-dimensional figures, and geometric modeling for use in computer applications.

Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability

The capacity of students to deal with data sets, probabilities, and statistics is tested in the section of the test that focuses on data analysis, statistics, and probability. It is very necessary to have a solid understanding of how to do data analysis on the tables and charts included in this section. 

In this part, you will find questions not just on the mean and the median, but also about a variety of other statistical and probabilistic topics.

What is the TSI Math Passing Score?

To pass the Math TSI, you need a score of 950 or an ABE diagnostic level of 6, whichever is higher. The ELAR subcomponent is more challenging to assess accurately. To pass the ELAR portion, you need to have a placement score of 945 and a score of 5 on the essay. If your total score is lower than 945, you are required to have an ABE diagnostic level of 5, as well as a score of 5 on your essay. 

It is very necessary to grasp that the TSI Assessment is not a test with a pass/fail grading system. The term “passing score” refers to the benchmark figure that is used to evaluate pupils’ readiness for college.

How to Study for the TSI Math Test? Study Guide for TSI Math

Prepare effectively

The most successful preparation for the TSI math test is one that is both thorough and efficient. Because your time is valuable, we will endeavor to provide explanations that are condensed, clear, and devoid of fluff. If a hypothesis has not been investigated using the TSI, then it should not be included in your research. 

Make use of diagnostic pre-tests so that you can figure out what you already know and what you don’t know. Because of this, you will be better able to focus on the TSI preparation material that will have the most significant impact on how well you do on the test.

Create your base

There is no way around the fact that some of the pupils won’t be able to sail through the class. If you haven’t been to school in a long time, or if you’ve never been good at math and don’t know how to pass the TSI math test, you may need to go back over the basics. This is especially true if you haven’t been successful in the past. 

Students who have a significant need for help must have easy access to foundational courses that emphasize core concepts. If you feel as if you need to brush up on your core knowledge before moving on to more complex topics, using this component of the TSI exam preparation might prove to be extremely beneficial.

Think positively about math

If you shun the concepts of mathematics and have a negative attitude toward them, you will not learn. To be ready for the TSI math test requires a significant amount of effort. Math is a subject that is both intriguing and entertaining to study. Consider the issue to be a light-hearted and uncomplicated one so that you can get a handle on it.

Make clear concepts

Clarify the ideas by first being proficient in the principles of TSI mathematics. If you don’t have a solid grasp of the principles of mathematics, you won’t be able to go on to the more advanced topics. You cannot make progress in mathematics if you are not familiar with the principles. It is necessary to finish every level of mathematics and fully comprehend the material that came before.

Hope this study guide for TSI math can help you during the process of studying and preparing for this exam. Good luck!