what kind of math is on the teas test

What Kind of Math is on the TEAS Test? [2025 Updated]

What kind of math is on the TEAS test? In this article, we will provide you with the content of the TEAS math portion and useful tips for acing this section.

Updated at November 15, 2022

You will need to interpret data, conduct computations, and convert real-world problems into arithmetic as a student in a registered nurse or medical sciences degree before officially working in the healthcare profession. You may be calculating prescription doses, assessing research study data, arranging client care, or reviewing test results given as statistics or a graph. 

On this website, we offer thousands of free TEAS practice tests for Math and other TEAS subtests to help you thoroughly prepare for this exam!

what kind of math is on the teas test

What kind of math is on the TEAS test? Your aptitude for mathematics and algebra is tested by the TEAS Mathematics subject area. The Assessment Technologies Institute (stands for ATI) released the ATI TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) in 2016 to evaluate students’ readiness for careers in the health sciences. The Math section of the TEAS test includes two primary divisions: Number and Algebra and Measurement and Data. Students are permitted to utilize a four-function calculator for the math portion of the exam. 

You will utilize your abilities and skills to solve word problems, decipher diagrams and graphs, categorize data sets utilizing descriptive and inferential statistics, comprehend relationships between statistics, compute dimensional value systems, and use metrics suitably, including when transforming between different units of measurement. The details of each mathematics area on the ATI TEAS exam are briefly discussed in the following part.

What Kind of Math is on the TEAS Test?

On the TEAS, there will be a total of 170 questions, 36 of which will be related to the Mathematics curriculum area. You will have 54 minutes to respond to those questions. Therefore, you would get 54 minutes ÷ 36 questions = 1.5 minutes for each question.

Only 32 of the 36 math problems will be assessed, while the other 4 will not be. Because you won’t be told which questions are not included in your score, you should give each question your best effort. The 32 questions that are assessed in Mathematics originate from two different sub-content areas:

Sub-content AreasNumber of Questions
Number and algebra23
Measurement and data9

Numbers and Algebra

To succeed in Numbers and Algebra, you will first need to brush up on your algebra knowledge and abilities. You may be asked questions in the form of statements; if this occurs, you should convert the statements into equations and other kinds of mathematical expressions. You also need to transform one kind of ratio, such as a proportion or fraction, into another kind of ratio.

You should also be prepared to answer questions using word problems as you are working through this part. Estimation, proportions, percentages, rational numbers, and equations with a single variable are some of the other subjects that will be taught in this part.

If you want to do well on this portion of the arithmetic exam, you need to pay very careful attention to the way each issue is worded. Examine the questions with great care; you need to be aware of what is being requested of you and how to begin the process of addressing the problems. You have the potential to get the top score in this particular segment, given the circumstances.

Measurement and Data

In the Measurement and Data segment of the examination, you will come across problems that are somewhat difficult. You must have the ability to examine quantitative data using a variety of approaches. Reading the graphical data presented in this part, such as graphs and tables, and determining what that data means is of the utmost importance.

Finding particular measurements requires solving geometric equations, which is another highly essential part of the process. You will find that having knowledge of the geometric characteristics and which formulae work best for specific issues may be of great use to you. In this part, you should explain how a set of variables interact with one another and provide an example of this interaction.

Be careful to study not just metric units of measurement but also standard units of measurement if you want to do well in this part and earn the ideal score. Besides, you should go through the arithmetic and any other processes that are associated with transitioning from one system to another.

Read more >> What’s New on the ATI TEAS Version 7?

How to Pass the TEAS Math Portion?

If you take a methodical approach to every mathematics question on the TEAS, you will answer the problems more quickly.

Step 1: Evaluate Provided Information

You will be provided with all of the data you require to answer each TEAS Mathematics question to solve it. This information may be included in the question itself, as well as in a chart, graphic, or some other material that’s provided above the question. Examine the many options for answers as well, since they can potentially include helpful information.

what kind of math is on the teas test

Step 2: Approach in an Appropriate Strategy

In contrast to a math class, which may only cover a specific topic such as algebra, the TEAS exam covers a wide range of mathematical topics. When you come across a new problem, take a moment to collect your thoughts, allow yourself enough time to take a few deep breaths, and then think about the kind of mathematical approach you will use to answer it. Is mathematical ability required to answer this question? Algebra? Geometry? Bring to mind the mathematical principles that you use while solving the problems.

In addition, ensure that you have a crystal clear idea of what it is that you are trying to solve in your head. It would be a shame to do all the math correctly and then pick the wrong answer, whether it be because you solved for x when the question asked for x2, or because you came to a solution when the question cannot be solved. Either way, it would be a waste of time. Check to verify that you are resolving the appropriate problem.

Finally, make the most of the many options for the solution. For instance, if there are two negative numbers and two positive numbers in the answers, then you can immediately eliminate two of the choices if you can ultimately decide that the answer must be negative (or must be positive). If the values are provided in the different replies, then the most time-effective strategy may be to estimate an equivalent value. If you can determine that the answer must be a bit less than 1, and only one answer option meets that description, then you may pick that answer without completing any computations provided that it is the only answer choice that fits the description.

Step 3: Analyze Each Answer

Make sure you choose the right answer out of the options provided. If the figure you arrived at cannot be matched by any of the choices, you will need to go back to Steps 1 and 2 to see if you missed any information or made a mistake when solving.

Step 4: Finally Confirm Your Answer

You’re not done yet! Check to see whether you’ve responded appropriately to the question that was asked. For instance, you should avoid selecting the amount of time required to load a single truck if the question asks for the amount of time required to load two trucks. Also, make sure your response makes sense. For instance, if the original price of a coat was $100 and it is now on sale, the sale price should be lower than $100 and not higher.

Final Words

What kind of math is on the TEAS test? The answer is above. Ensure you fully read the whole article and can memo the best strategies and tips for acing this TEAS portion. Good luck!