How To Pass The Hesi A2 Exam: Tips for Success In 2024

How To Pass The Hesi A2 Exam? This article will discuss how to study for the HESI 2 and give tips on how to be successful! Follow this article to know more!

Updated at March 13, 2023

How To Pass the Hesi A2 Exam? How does one prepare for the Hesi A2 test? To begin with, it’s crucial to understand what the Hesi A2 exam consists of. This blog article will go over studying for the Hesi A2 and provide success recommendations.

How To Pass The Hesi A2

What does HESI stand for?

The HESI Entrance Exam is also known as the HESI Admissions Assessment Exam or the HESI A2. Schools often use HESI to help predict the student’s likelihood of success in tests. Their Admission Assessment Exam is used as a baseline entrance criterion by some nursing schools. The total time allotted to complete the exam is 4.25 hours. 

Your result of each section of the exam must be passed with a 75% or higher to pass the HESI A2 exam. 

What’s on the HESI A2 Exam?

Reading Comprehension: Provides reading scenarios in order to measure reading comprehension, identifying the main idea, finding the meaning of words in context, passage comprehension, making logical inferences, etc.

Recommended time: 60 minutes 55 items

Vocabulary & General Knowledge: Contains vocabulary terms that are commonly used in both general English-speaking settings and in health care fields.

Recommended time: 50 minutes 55 items

Grammar: Contains basic grammar, including parts of speech, important terms, and their uses, commonly occurring grammatical errors, etc.

Recommended time: 50 minutes 55 items

Math: Focuses on math skills needed for health care fields, including basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, fractions, decimals, ratio and proportion, household measures, general math facts, etc.

Recommended time: 50 minutes 55 items

Physics: The physics test will cover general physics concepts such as rotation, friction, gravitation, energy, average speed, Newton’s Laws of Motion, projectile motion, light, optics, and acceleration. 

Recommended time: 25 question exam with 50 minutes

Biology: The biology questions are focused on general biology topics including biology basics, cellular respiration, photosynthesis, metabolism, biological molecules, and cells. 

Recommended time: 25 question exam with 25 minutes

Chemistry: The questions are focused on: the periodic table, chemical equations, atomic structure, chemical bonding, nuclear chemistry, and chemical reactions. 

Recommended time: 25 question exam with 50 minutes

Anatomy and Physiology (only): Provides coverage of general terminology and anatomical structures and systems.

Recommended time: 25 minutes 30 items

Personality Profile (not graded, for diagnostic purposes only)

Learning Style: Assesses the preferred learning style.

Recommended time: 15 minutes 14 items

Personality Profile: Assesses personality related to preferred learning style.

Recommended time: 15 minutes 15 items                     


How To Pass The Hesi A2

Learn Techniques for better performance: To achieve your goal and to give your best in the HESI A2 test, you need to prepare with proper planning and techniques. Without proper techniques, it won’t help you much. So, if you have decided to give HESI A2 test, start preparing with a study plan.

Prepare with quality study materials: The best quality study materials will help you to understand more about the actual exam and it also contains good content that will make you understand your progress. 

Take rest and reduce anxiety: Your mind needs rest before the exam. If you want to perform better in the exam, take proper rest the night before the exam and try to eat healthy before the exam. Researchers have proven the relation between sleep and cognition. Take proper rest to avoid any mistake in the examination hall due to restlessness or fatigue.

Take Practice Tests: You can take these practice tests to figure out your weak areas and improve upon them. Actually, We have designed our free HESI A2 practice test and questions to help you in your preparation and to know about the actual exam.

Carefully read the questions before giving a response: When you’re taking the HESI A2 Exam, make sure to read all the questions carefully and then give a response if you are confident about it. Sometimes test makers design distracting questions, so you have to be more careful to analyze the answer and give the right response.

Manage your time effectively: Time management is very critical during the exam. It’s always better to start managing your time since you have started practicing for the actual exam. It will help you manage your time in the HESI Exam effectively. Always try to attempt the questions you are confident about and then go for the other questions; it will save your precious time in the examination hall.

Read more>> Where can I take the HESI A2 exam?

HESI Exam FAQs       

What should I study?

Math skills are an important part of the HESI A2 exam so focus on these first. It may also help you to take a math refresher course if it’s been a while since you last studied math

You’ll also need to know how to use the calculator and enter numbers correctly when taking the HESI A2 test

Be sure to study the different skills tested on the HESI A2 exam such as reading comprehension, math, and science

Finally, don’t forget about social studies because they are also important for completing the Hesi A2 test               

What is a good score on HESI A2?


Elsevier, the creator of the HESI A2, reports that its passing score is 75%. This could vary depending on the scoring scale of your school.

HESI is more difficult than Nclex?

This final question may not have an answer. As I am unsure of how to quantify difficulty levels and what constitutes a “good” score for either test. However, anecdotally speaking from my experience teaching Hesi content in class, it does seem much harder to pass than NCLEX-RN. As you can tell by reading this post so far there are many tips that will help you study for your exam! The most important tip would be practicing with past questions or even better yet taking practice exams under simulated testing conditions (realistic computer environment). From this, you will have some idea of how the test scores and what kind of questions to expect.

If you want to know more about HESI and NCLEX, read more: What Are The Differences Between HESI vs NCLEX?

Why is Hesi more difficult than Nclex?

Nclex has a question about every topic that you have studied, while HESI does not follow those rules. This can make it hard for students because they might study something on their own in a different way from how it presents on the test. For example, I was studying respiratory therapy before taking my exam but there were only two questions total related to this subject area. That made me feel like my studies weren’t as helpful as they could have been with other content areas covered by the exam!

What should I do if I don’t remember how to solve an equation?

You can use a calculator on your phone or check online (i.e., Google) to find the answer.

You should also study these types of questions in advance to avoid being stuck during your exam.

Those who are required to take the Health Education Systems, Inc. Admissions Assessment (HESI A2) assessments have two basic options:

  • Exams may be held on-site at postsecondary schools that need them as part of the admission process
  • This test is also available at Prometric testing centers around the United States.

HESI Practice Test – ABC Elearning

Our Passemall website gives access to a number of Hesi evaluation tools and is a totally free resource for educators, parents, and students. This page is for students who are interested in learning more about individualized education. We have done our best to provide you with all the free, friendly, and humorous test preparation options possible in order to ensure your success. If our efforts here have been helpful to you, take a look at our high-quality HESI A2 study guide and Free HESI practice test to advance your learning.

HESI A2 Reading Comprehension Study Guide In 2024

If you are struggling to prepare for your HESI A2 Reading Comprehension Test, then this is the article for you. Follow this article to know more now!

Updated at March 11, 2023

This post is for you if you are having trouble studying for your HESI A2 Reading Comprehension Test. You can prepare by using the list of study tools we’ve compiled. These reading comprehension questions are in-depth and concentrate on particular topics, so even if one of them is difficult for you, there are plenty of other opportunities to do well.

As you are aware, reading comprehension is a section of the HESI A2 because it is a necessary skill for a nurse to be successful. You should be aware that you will be reading quite a bit if you decide to enroll in nursing school. Take our free HESI A2 practice test 2024 right away to sharpen your skills and become comfortable with the test structure.

HESI A2 Reading Comprehension

What’s on the HESI A2 Reading Comprehension Section?

You’ll have 55 multiple-choice questions in this section, and a recommended time limit of 60 minutes, although each school is free to set its own time limit. Reading scenarios that are health-related. The Reading Comprehension test focused on the details below: 

Finding the Main Idea

The main idea is what the text is about and what the author wants you, the reader, to know. If someone were to ask you, “What was that book or article about?” they are asking you about the main idea. When you can tell them succinctly what it is about, you have a grasp on the main idea.

The purpose of the main idea is twofold. First, it lets the reader know what the text is about so that the reader can decide whether or not to continue reading. Secondly, its purpose is to engage the reader quickly. It serves to capture and take hold of the reader within the first minute or two of picking up the text.

How can you identify the main idea? The main idea is usually (but not always) within the first two to three sentences. Often, the main idea is the same as the topic sentence. And even other times, the title is the main idea. After the first paragraph of a text, a reader should be able to identify what the topic and main idea are and what the text is seeking to do. Some questions you can ask yourself after the first paragraph include:

  • Does this book/article/text tell me who, what, where, or how about something?
  • Does this piece’s title tell me what I am reading?
  • What is the point of this text?

Main idea and supporting details

The text you are reading will have additional details that help support or lend credence to the main idea. As you are reading, it is important to stop periodically and measure whether these supporting details help illustrate the main idea and how they relate to each other.

Rereading and reviewing

Sometimes it is necessary to read the text again to decipher the main idea and the supporting details. Read each paragraph carefully and consider why the author is sharing this information

Supporting Details

Supporting details exist to support the main idea. In a paragraph format, these details come after the topic sentence – the first sentence in a paragraph, usually – and before the final sentence. Supporting details serve as pillars to “hold up” the main idea of a passage or paragraph, and could also be identified as proof or evidence of an idea.

Author’s Tone & Purpose

In the HESI A2 Reading Comprehension section, you may meet the questions asking about the author’s tone and purpose.

What is the author’s tone? The author’s tone is the way the author speaks through her/his words. The author’s tone includes the words that he/she uses to describe people, situations, and events. The tone gives the reader clues about how the author thinks or feels about particular subjects and people. We get a sense of the author’s attitude.

What’s its purpose? Part of the purpose of tone is to create the mood of the piece. Mostly, however, the tone of the text gives the reader insight into why the author is writing in the first place, especially in non-fiction writing. The reader can infer the author’s purpose by identifying the tone.

The author’s tone is important because, along with clueing the reader into the purpose of the text, it allows the reader to engage in a deeper way by identifying whether the text is fact or opinion, an expository or persuasive piece, etc. Evaluating the tone also requires the reader to check his or her own biases and prejudices in relation to the topic. Do you find yourself sympathizing with something simply because of how the author speaks? The tone may be partially responsible!

Tone can be tricky to identify, but some general rules are to look to the adjectives and descriptions of people, places, and events in the text. How is the author using his words? What words is he/she choosing? How does he/she compare and contrast within the text?

Is the author trying to prove something to the reader? Or else have something to gain? And are the adjectives used almost exclusively negative or have negative connotations? If asked, how would the author respond about the characters, events, or places? What would their face look like when asked?

Drawing Conclusions and Making Inferences

These are two interwoven ways to come to an understanding of a piece. Drawing conclusions involves looking at the facts, interpreting their purpose and meaning, and coming to a realization using those facts. Meanwhile, making inferences is similar, but rather than coming to a conclusion, facts are used to determine other facts that will eventually lead to a conclusion.

To draw a conclusion, look at the presented facts (and inferences), and determine what the author is saying using these facts. To make an inference, look at the facts presented, and determine what other facts might be realized in conjunction with the existing ones. For instance, if the evidence is presented that a leather shoe is damaged, and the owner of the shoes was near a lake, you can infer that the shoes were damaged by water.

Fact vs. Opinion

This is also a type of question that is available in the HESI A2 Reading Comprehension test.

Fact is immutable, while opinion is entirely subjective. Facts are derived from tangible evidence (using sight, taste, touch, etc.) and are frequently regarded as universal truths. Opinions, however, are not presented with evidence but are presented as feelings and interpretations from one individual or a group of individuals.

When trying to determine whether something is a fact or an opinion, seek out supporting details. If something has numerous evidential supporting details, it is likely to be a fact. If something is supported largely with arguments or appeals to emotion, it is likely to be an opinion.

Compare and Contrast

Comparing and contrasting, while similar, are two very different actions. Comparing is the act of taking two or more things and working to identify similarities between those things. If you were to compare a cat and a dog, for instance, you might note that both are domesticated animals, both possess coats of fur, and both possess tails. Contrasting involves looking at two or more items and working to identify their differences. Again using a cat and a dog, you might note differences in temperaments, in size, and in the basic structure of ears. Comparing is finding similarities while contrasting is identifying differences.

There are certain words that can help clue you in as to whether an author is trying to compare or contrast. Words such as “and,” “also,” and “too” indicate comparison, whereas words such as “but,” “however,” “although,” and “nevertheless” indicate the difference.

Context Clues

Context clue is a term used to describe portions of a passage that lend insight into an idea or a word. Using context clues to find the meaning of a word involves looking at the sentences and phrases surrounding the word in question, and determining what meaning best fits the word based on what is being said in the passage. Using context clues to determine the meaning of an idea is similar; search the sentences and phrases surrounding the idea, and use those excerpts to determine the meaning or purpose of an idea.


Summaries usually come at the end of paragraphs and in the conclusion of pieces. A summary is used to concisely describe the overall purpose and message of a piece. The most common iteration of summaries can be found on the back of a film case; the movie is summarized to draw interest in the story and give an idea of what the story is about.

In literature and academia, the purpose of a summary is no different. Summaries are short passages used to give an idea of a work’s content and draw the interest of the audience.

Tips and tricks

HESI A2 Reading Comprehension

Eliminate the words or phrases.

A complaint which I hear often is that the students are unable to understand the given reading comprehension.  If you belong to this category, you need to understand that you don’t need to understand each and every word of the comprehension. At the same time, you should find the gist (summary) of it. Both these points above may appear contradictory But the crucial thing is, you need to eliminate the words, phrases, and sentences from the Reading Comprehension that are not useful and need to focus on keywords.

Learn about all the tips to help you pass other sections at How to pass the HESI A2 Exam?

Find your strengths first.

To improve reading comprehension, first, you need to find your strengths first. The conservative approach to solving a passage is, to read the passage first, and then go to the questions and solve them. But some students do not feel comfortable with this method. Probably they do not know which keywords to remember while going through the comprehension. Or, they may have to read the comprehension again, after reading the questions. This led to the problem of Time Management.

Solution: You can choose the “bottom-up” approach. That means, read the questions first, so that you have an idea of what to look for, in the comprehension. But ultimately you are the better judge of which approach is the best. So, practice several reading comprehensions in two different approaches and find out which method suits you.

Improve Your Vocabulary:

Vocabulary means knowledge of words (meaning of words). If you do not have a good vocabulary, you have to stop at every new word in the reading comprehension, and be puzzled about what does it mean? 

How to improve your vocabulary? Start reading in English, anything such as newspapers, stories, comics, textbooks…, anything that keeps you immersed in English. New words gradually sink into your subconscious mind and become familiar. Keep a notebook, Note down the new words you learned today and revise them periodically. And Keep a target and a schedule to learn a certain number of new words every day. 

Reading Comprehension Test Materials and Resource

Wanting to find Hesi A2 Test Resources and Materials? We strongly advise using our online app or website, which includes detailed instructions, a HESI A2 Reading Comprehension Practice Test with explanations, and brief assessments to gauge your learning. By providing you with a solid math foundation, it can aid in your exam day preparation.