Wonderlic study guide

The Most Comprehensive Wonderlic Study Guide in 2025

Wonderlic study guide is considered important during the process of preparing and taking this exam. Let’s begin with us right now!

Updated at May 18, 2022

Adult students who are interested in enrolling in degree-granting programs at a college or university could be needed to pass the Wonderlic personnel test. In any case, your score on this test will play a key role in determining whether or not you will be able to advance to the next level of your school or employment. This is a potentially terrifying concept when you don’t know what to expect in the future. In this part, we will go over everything that you need to know, and we will also show you the Wonderlic study guide.

Why take the Wonderlic Test?

The candidates for further education or employment programs have their numeracy and literacy skills evaluated in order to determine whether or not they are capable of meeting the requirements of the programs or the responsibilities that are expected of them. It is possible that candidates for degrees and certificates will also be required to attend these classes, regardless of the field of study that they intend to follow after receiving their degree or certification.

Participants will not get instruction in these skills from administrators at colleges and universities, as well as from future employers, since these individuals simply will not have the time. Without participants who have reached the requisite skill levels, programs and workplaces can’t operate as effectively as they should. This is done for the purpose of ensuring that each and every participant has the necessary skills to participate in the programs at the required rate and pace. Employers place a high level of importance on the speed with which new hires can become productive members of the workforce and assume their assigned responsibilities.

Wonderlic Study Guide

Sections of the Wonderlic Personnel Test

Facts and Figures

This kind of question is the one that is considered to be the most representative of the Wonderlic test. Due to the fact that the concepts are taken from day-to-day life, it is essential to think quickly while also thinking thoroughly while responding to the questions. With our study guide, we will provide you with an overview of the kind of questions that may be asked on the test, so that you will be prepared when the time comes.


Applying logic to the information that has been given to one is required in order to discover a solution to a problem that has been posted. There are several different types of reasoning puzzles on the Wonderlic Personnel Test. This study guide explains and illustrates all of them for you, equipping you with the knowledge and abilities necessary to correctly identify the answers. To complete your preparation, we give Wonderlic practice test and flashcards.


On the Wonderlic, the questions related to mathematics, which are often referred to as “Word Problems” at times, maybe some of the most time-consuming problems. In light of the fact that the objective of this study guide is to assist you in working your way through the maximum number of problems feasible, we have supplied you with the fastest methods as well as some pointers for determining the right answer without even having to finish the problem. You will need to take advantage of our time-savers in order to do well on this test. These time-savers provide you with an additional 14 seconds for each question.


This kind of question is often referred to as a Verbal question or an English Knowledge question in the various study resources available. To put it another way, it is concerned with the meanings of words, the relationships between them, and the method in which words are arranged in order to communicate meaning. Make use of this Wonderlic study guide in order to have a better idea of how the Wonderlic test assesses candidates’ level of knowledge.

How to Prepare for Cognitive Abilities Test (Personnel Test)?

Below is the Wonderlic test guide that you can consider:

Facts and Figures section

General Information

Every day, you come into contact with a slew of little details that go unnoticed by the average person. Because August is the 8th month of the year, you presumably already know how to describe the month of August that uses the number 8. Aside from these facts, you’re probably aware that July 8, 2011, follows from September 12, 2004, and that the numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 come after them. You may see a trend developing. On the Wonderlic® exam, the Facts and Figures questions merely ask for the ability to arrange numbers (including decimals), as well as to read basic graphs.

Facts and figures inquiries are divided into six categories, as explained below. These questions will appear alongside logic, verbal, and math problems on the actual exam. If you’re taking an exam that includes Facts and Figures questions, you should attempt to answer every question of this sort as soon as you see it. There are, however, certain caveats.

As a result, it’s easy to overlook important information while answering questions of this kind because of the simplicity of the questions themselves. Check out this material and practice using our flashcards and practice questions, or any Wonderlic practice exams you can find, before the test.

Month Questions

It’s merely a matter of memorizing the answers and being cautious while answering these questions. You are aware that there are 12 months in a year and that each month has a unique number given to it. When making a payment or writing and date a form, you may utilize this. This would be written as 7/21/17, with the first seven letters standing for July. ” is the 3rd month of the year,” is a common structure for questions. And, of course, March is the perfect response.

Date Questions

The earliest or latest day in a collection of 5 dates will be the subject of a Wonderlic inquiry. A quick check at the month in each might be tempting, but it’s not always the best strategy. To find out whether your acquaintance is older than you are, imagine what it would take to do so. If she was born on September 28, 1980, and you were born on October 15, 1977, where else would you begin your search? Date and month? Obviously, you’d go with the year. The only difference here is that you’re comparing five dates instead of just one.

If you start with the year, you may eliminate any that don’t apply to that year. Then, take a look at the month and conduct the same kind of analysis. Lastly, take into account the date and you’ll have an answer in no time. Make a note of whether the earliest or latest date is being requested. This has a significant impact on the outcome of your search.

Finding Duplicates Questions

You only need to focus a bit more on each question, and you’ll be able to go through them quickly and correctly. The question on the exam will ask you how many of the five-word or number pairs are exact copies, and you will need to provide an answer. Accuracy is of the utmost importance in this context.

Missing Numbers Questions

Social media may seem unusual to utilize as a test preparation tool, but there are a number of uncertainties like these on the internet. Do you know these questions asking you to fill the next blank?

Solving this puzzle begins with figuring out how you got from number one to number two. Adding, multiplying, or subtracting are the most common methods, although occasionally subtracting or dividing is necessary as well. Observing the movement of the numbers is a simple technique to start you on the correct path. Are they becoming larger or smaller? Look for patterns involving addition or multiplication if the numerical pattern is becoming bigger. This indicates that subtraction or division is likely involved in the numerical pattern. To discover the next number in the series, you must do the exact identical process on each successive number.

Ordering Numbers Questions

The smallest number (48) and the largest number (4801) may easily be determined if the numbers 4810, 48, 481, 4801, and 408 are shown to you. The Wonderlic exam, on the other hand, tends to include decimals, which may lead to a bit of a mess. Because each position traveling right is useless in value, it’s simple to determine the smallest number: 408. Although 481 is still the largest number on this list if the decimal point were moved to 4.81, what would happen? It’s amazing how much of a difference even a little detail can make!

Visual Matching Questions

How effectively you react to visual information (graphs and other pictographic stimulation) and the difficulty of the graph and question will determine whether or not you answer this particular question on the Wonderlic exam. It’s a bonus if you just want graphs and find them simple to understand since they provide a visual representation of data. A good starting point is a graph that seems to be basic (one line vs two lines, and not too long). 

Keep in mind that only a small percentage of test-takers complete the whole exam and that many questions may be answered in less time. Also, if you discover that a question is taking too long to answer, don’t bother with it and go on to the next one. Prior to the exam, you should practice a few of them and see if you can perform them fast.

Logic section

General Information

Only a tiny percentage of the questions on the Wonderlic exam need you to apply to reason. There are four different sorts of questions here. To prepare for the test, get acquainted with the kind of questions that will be asked and learn how to react quickly.

To arrive at the correct solution to a logical issue, you must use logic and reasoning. It is critical to keep all other information out of the equation with the use of the provided data and superior thinking skills. The process may include if/then questions, spatial reasoning, form patterns, and spatial imagery. Continue reading to learn about these four types of inquiries and how to respond to them in the lowest period of time.

Deductive Reasoning

Only one of the reasoning questions on the Wonderlic® exam is linguistic in nature. You will be given two assertions and asked to assume that they are true in the same manner that they are false. You must next decide if a third assertion is true, false, or inconclusive in the context of those statements. Although the claims may not be true in reality, you must imagine that they are in order to answer the questions. To answer the question, you must agree, for example, that all horses have knotted manes.

Spatial Relationships

Please read what we have previously said about these questions before deciding to avoid them on the test. You’ll probably find out whether you’re a natural at it or if it absolutely stumps you. If you find the Wonderlic® test uncomplicated, take it and answer every question of this kind. If that’s the case, you should be ready to go on to the next question as soon as the little nine-box form appears.

When you first launch the app, you’ll probably see a tic-tac-toe-like grid with three distinct colored boxes. Following that will be five grids with just a portion of the boxes colored. Find the three grids that, when stacked on top of each other, form the example grid. To stack boxes, they must all be of the same hue. Is it really so tough to comprehend? It may be, or it could be a cakewalk for you. Let’s see how it works:

Wonderlic study guide

Because the other three possibilities are apparent candidates, it’s much easier to identify the two that don’t work in this scenario. Look for grids where one color at a time has been set improperly. As you come across incorrect answers, write down the letter of each one on your scratch paper. 

The red boxes may be seen on the left two places on the top row in this example, as shown by their position. The contents of these boxes should be the only thing checked. Answer choice B has a red box in the bottom right-hand corner that indicates that it is wrong. Instead of spending more time thinking about it, scan selections A through E to save time.

Next, look at the blue boxes. The answers are correct since all of the blue boxes are in the center or lower middle. It’s also worth looking at the gray boxes. Simply said, they should fill all three spaces in the left column, from bottom to top. Choice E, on the other hand, is incorrect since it has a gray box in the center. The correct answers are A, C, and D, respectively.

A practice exam would be a wonderful location to put this strategy to the test and see if you can answer this kind of question in less than 14 seconds. If this is the case, you should consider failing the test as soon as possible. We’ve also come across a question that required the test taker to identify a group of smaller shapes that may be joined to produce something larger, such as the square in the picture above. This kind of question may appear on your test as well. Make a paper form, cut it into smaller regular forms, and then reassemble it to perform comparable skills in online games.

Shape Patterns

You could shout to yourself, “No way!” in response to one of these queries. These questions are often given as a row of circles with no visible differences, however other forms may be used in the future. It’s worth investigating more.

Each circle is divided into eight equal parts by dotted lines. Each circle is divided by a solid black line and a solid gray line. If you’re good at picking up on subtleties, this kind of question might let you rack up some points quickly. An example of a potential query is as follows:

Wonderlic study guide

On the bottom, there is a box with the question and five alternative replies. In the top box of circles, you’re searching for a last-place answer choice. This isn’t as tough as it seems if you focus on one division line at a time. Concentrate on the black line and what it does in each following picture at first. It creates a two-space clockwise circle. This is what it will do in the game’s fourth region. Option 1 and option 3, for example, maybe ruled out if there is no black line in the bottom left quadrant. All that is left to evaluate now are the third, fourth, and fifth alternatives.

When you follow the gray line from left to right, you’ll see that it always progresses three places clockwise. For example, it will appear in the bottom right quadrant of the final photograph. The only one that shows that is the fourth choice from the left, thus it is your solution. If you can’t answer a few of these questions quickly in practice examinations, you may not be ready for the real thing. If you’re still perplexed, skip them and you’ll save a lot of time.

3D Shapes

The ultimate logical difficulty is putting together a box from a flat shape. You’ll need to imagine where a corner will go after the flattened box is complete. The flat shape may be made in the same methods, but there are always six squares. Consider the following example:

Wonderlic study guide

Because those two squares represent the “top” and “bottom” (opposite sides) of the cube, identifying the X on a square two squares away is all that’s required to rule out the chance of it touching any area of that square. X and the side with the letter C will never meet.

It’s a matter of visualizing how the cube will go together and which other possibilities will be impacted when it’s built. Start with a handful of them and on to the real thing if you’re successful. If the questions are really tough for you, don’t answer them to save time on the test.

Math section

General Information

Even though our practice materials refer to this section as “Math,” it is possible that other practice resources will refer to it as “Word Problems.” In this section, reading and solving a “word problem” in “math” are two different names for the same activity. This kind of question appears many times during the Wonderlic® test. Check which of the problems are the quickest and easiest ones for you to do in order to save time during the actual exam without having to read and complete lengthy computations.

Be careful to bear in mind that you will not be permitted to use a calculator while you are taking the Wonderlic test; as a result, you will need to bring a pencil and some scrap paper with you. There are a few simple solutions that may be used in order to cut down on the amount of time spent on this. There will be around six distinct types of word problems on the examination. It’s possible that you’ve forgotten some of the more basic arithmetic procedures, but here are some suggestions that will help you find the answers more quickly.


You need to be able to remember the parts of your schooling that included the usage of decimal numbers in order to do operations that use decimal numbers. When you input the numbers in a column for adding and subtracting, you need to check and make sure that the decimals in each number are aligned vertically. It’s possible that none of the test questions will need you to use decimal addition or subtraction at all. You will be required to solve problems involving the multiplication and division of decimals. If you are a lightning-fast typist, you can merely write down the answer on your scrap paper and save yourself some time.


The fact that you have to work with fractions and multiples makes these puzzles difficult to solve. It will take you one hour to make nine dolls if you want to do it yourself. It would take you thirteen hours to build three dolls if you wanted to make them. Before you can answer the question, “How long does it take them to make 27 dolls?” you need to first figure out how many dolls can be produced in one hour.


If you’re good with numbers and know how to make basic calculations with a pencil and paper, questions like this one on the Wonderlic® test will be easy for you to answer. If you follow this approach, you ought to be able to determine the appropriate response. On the other hand, you shouldn’t bother calculating the average on the test if it takes you more than 14 seconds to do so. To determine what the average value is, first sum up all of the components, and then divide that amount by the total quantity of items on the list.

Note: There is a considerable chance that this part may provide you with a task that is far less difficult than others. Watch out for situations that involve a string of odd digits in succession, such as 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15. The fact that there are no blank spots in the sequence and a number in the “center” indicates that the answer to this question is 13.

Even-numbered series won’t work with this strategy, so don’t try to use it for things like 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19. Due to the fact that there are only a total of six pieces in this series, there is no number that can be considered to be in the “middle.”


On the Wonderlic test, there are two different paths to choose when answering questions about percentages. By first calculating a percentage and then multiplying the resulting number, you may quickly answer any kind of issue.


The following information about the Wonderlic test may perhaps shed some light on the most appropriate course of action for us to take in this circumstance.

  • Only two or three of these questions will appear in the exam.
  • Almost no one completes the whole set of 50.
  • You can get a high score even if you miss a large number of the 50 questions on the test.
  • Each of these questions is nearly certain to take you more than 14 seconds to answer—sometimes considerably longer.

Given that each question is worth one point, wouldn’t it make more sense to skip questions of this kind in the larger scheme of things, given that each question is worth one point? We think so, too. Even if you are very knowledgeable about the topic, the amount of time it takes to formulate one or more equations and work out their solutions is just too much for a single point.

Even if you have no intention of actually taking the exam, the questions relating to ages and numbers are the simplest to answer since you only need to calculate one equation. The following is some information regarding the third sort of algebraic inquiry; I hope you find it interesting. It is not recommended that you spend time on the more difficult algebraic problems while you are taking the actual test unless you finish the test earlier than expected and then go back to them.

Verbal section

General Information

Even if you choose to ignore some of the questions on the Wonderlic Personnel Test, you will need to respond to at least a few of them in order to achieve a satisfactory level of performance on the exam. If you aren’t comfortable with all of the many kinds of verbal questions, you should read this guide so that you can figure out which kind of question you should respond to. On the Wonderlic test, there will be some verbal questions, and we will go through some useful strategies with you.

Word Relationships

If you are given two words and asked to decide how they are related, you will be asked to identify if the terms are synonyms, antonyms, or have no connection at all to one another. If you want a speedy response to this issue, you may simply ask, “Are they synonyms?” If this is the case, the answer to your inquiry has been provided.

The following inquiry inquiries, “Are they polar opposites of one another?” You are well aware of which path to choose at this point. Since both inquiries are unconnected to one another, your best chance is to choose the alternative that leads to an emphatic rejection of both of them.


Antonyms In these tests, you will be asked to finish a statement by putting one word next to it that is a different color. You will be presented with a list of five words and asked to choose the antonym that best fits each of those terms. To begin, it is important to keep in mind that an antonym is a term that has a meaning that is directly opposed to that of the word in color.

This specific kind of inquiry lends itself well to such an efficient quick cut. Put yourself in this hypothetical situation and yourself, “What would happen if he wasn’t hot?” In addition, search the options for words that are similar to or synonyms of the keyword you are looking for.

If you have a significant amount of vocabulary, the antonym component of the exam should be rather simple for you to complete. There is no harm in pursuing certain antonyms lists; the practice is quite acceptable.


In the Wonderlic questions that ask for your assistance in this manner, look for the three words that have meanings “similar” to one another. Although the definitions of these phrases are not exactly the same, it is reasonable to refer to them as being synonymous.

You may get a rapid response to these questions by reading the five words that are supplied in a short amount of time and looking for two keywords that have meanings that are comparable to one another. In the end, you should attempt to think of a third phrase that has a meaning that is comparable to the previous two. You will need to find the third word in order to complete your three-word sentence. 

If such is not the case, then the validity of the other three words is probably not in question. Check everything out twice just to be sure. Since the process is taking too much time, you may either make an educated estimate or go on to the following question if you are still unable to solve the problem.


It’s common for test-takers to steer clear of analogy questions because they believe they’ll be too challenging, but you shouldn’t be scared to attempt them. On the Wonderlic test, these are likely to be some of the questions that take the most time. It’s possible that responding to a topic with analogies may be challenging, but here’s the key: Figure out how the first and second words are connected and what it means. 

In other words, this link may act as a remedy for, a substitute for, or a catalyst for something else entirely. One further option is that the two of them are related to one another. There are a variety of other connections that might be discovered throughout the examination.

The Wonderlic personnel test study guide can vary depending on your ability, studying methods, and learning habits. We hope that our recommended Wonderlic study guide will help you during the process of preparing and taking this test.